What a great video! It clearly shows the real Sarah Palin before she was in the national spotlight. Thank you so much for linking to it so I can see that her religious beliefs are real and she is a born-again, baptized believer. Of course you clearly misunderstand, misrepresent and mock Christian conservatives who actualy try to live by a set of values and have their beliefs impact how they act rather than just going with the prevailing political winds. I look forward to listening to her pastor's sermons. And I bet I won't hear a single rant about "God d*** America!" in any of them. What a great service you have provided by making me even more excited and motivated to vote for McCain-Palin and to urge all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to do the same!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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