Well, those people are probably trying to be polite. You know what they say, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." And there is no way I could ever respond to that argument while still being nice.
That, or they are are struck dumb by your utter stupidity. Or think that you are obviously so delusional that you are edging towards insanity and are afraid that anything they say might send you into a fit of blind rage.
Because . . . damn! Just, damn! What the hell is your problem? This has got to be the most debunked creationist argument ever. I wouldn't be surprised it this was simply the most thoroughly debunked argument of all time.
Where do we even start? Even Darwin dealt with how "organs of extreme perfection", like the eye, could have evolved. And yet still we hear people making the same arguments about everything from eyes to wings to bacterial flagellum. And every time they have been shown to be completely and thoroughly wrong.
How the hell is it that in 2011 there are people with access to a keyboard, with enough education to know how to type, that are still making this argument?!?
What the hell is with this? It's not like information that shows how wrong this whole line of argument is isn't readily available and accessible to the general public. I have a brother in elementary school -- and even he would think that you're an idiot. Yeah, children in elementary school can tell you just how wrong this is.