Gay Worship Strikes Again!
When my wife wound up in the hospital, along with three other drivers, because of some idiot who rammed into her car while yakking on his cell phone–totally destroying the car, even bending the chassis–his penalty was $150.00.
When a New York City cab driver recently told a pair of lesbians to stop making out in the back seat of his cab, and they walked off without paying the fare, for this heinous crime of “discrimination,” a court has fined the cabbie $15,000 –a whopping 100 times the penalty incurred for damn near killing four other people.
We have actually entered a phase in our country’s history in which the civil government, at every level, rewards evil and punishes good. Everyone is to be compelled to bow down before the idol of Gay supremacy.
Why do we accept this?
It is said that Henry VIII became so corrupt, so swollen with disease and moral baseness, such a slave to sin, that his corpse literally exploded before they could bury him.
What kind of bang will America make?
The fellow who damn near ran your wife over should get a higher fine than $150.
But let's face it: you would consider any marriage between two parties of the same sex to be discrimination, right?
I'm guessing that the driver that hit your wife will be the subject of 4 civil lawsuits, and will end up paying considerably more than $150.
I still don't see what that accident and the taxi incident have in common, though. Maybe if your wife was hit while two lesbians were making out at the wheel. Otherwise, the only thing the two incidents have in common is the presence of automobiles.
It is said that Henry VIII became so corrupt, so swollen with disease and moral baseness, such a slave to sin, that his corpse literally exploded before they could bury him.
Or, you know, it could have been because they didn't have embalming procedures in England back then. Somehow, I don't think it was the sin exploding out of him.
Here's a link to one of the articles about the cab incident:
Happened four years ago, but the women felt so strongly about the issue they continued the lawsuit, even flying across the country to testify. The judge clearly didn't believe the cabbie's testimony, and the cabbie's original claim that the women had made inflammatory remarks to him, calling him “f Arab terrorist” and a “radical Muslim ahole.]” was interestingly never repeated in court.
As for your wife's accident, the driver's insurance should pay for all medical costs and repairs, and you can always bring a civil lawsuit, and probably should.
Frankly the two stories have absolutely nothing in common, other than humans and vehicles are featured in both.
"What kind of bang will America make?”
Gay bangs. Duh! Also, i’d love to see the whole explosion thing. That be awesome.
"It is said that Henry VIII became so corrupt, so swollen with disease and moral baseness, such a slave to sin, that his corpse literally exploded before they could bury him. "
It is said some Russians drilled an oil well into hell, too. That doesn't make it so.
Henry VIII lived in a manner pretty much in alignment with Biblical mores, including his shuffling of wives.
He also had a wound in his leg that never properly healed, and he lived one step ahead of sepsis for years. Since Duigon doesn't like Catholics, you'd think he'd love Henry VIII.
Anyway, odd character, and I look forward to seeing more of his drivel on this forum.
"Gay Worship Strikes Again!"
For a brief and exciting moment, I read that as Gay Warship and thought that this quote was gonna be way more interesting than it actually was.
The story of Henry's exploding corpse seems to be based on some fact.
He had been interred in a lead coffin for some time before they got around to burying him.
During the processional, the coffin was kept overnight in Syon House and was found, the next day, to have burst a seam or two and leaked over the floor.
Warm weather, the natural processes of bodily breakdown and a poorly made coffin make the idea entirely plausible. No need to bring such nebulous concepts as sin into it.
Why do we accept this?
Most people don't, but clearly you aren't a very good American since you aren't using your right to sue.
When a New York City cab driver recently told a negro man and a white woman to stop making out in the back seat of his cab, and they walked off without paying the fare, for this heinous crime of “discrimination,” a court has fined the cabbie $15,000 a whopping 100 times the penalty incurred for damn near killing four other people.
Headlines from yesteryear
Actually, I sort of agree that the $15,000 was a bit over the top.
However, this isn't quite the whole story. Apparently the driver also yelled epithets at the two women after they left the cab including "bitches," "cunts" and "whores." There is also significant disagreement over the intensity of the sexual activity. It wasn't all a fine either. $5,000 was a fine and $5,000 was awarded to each woman for emotional distress.
So it sounds like this was all related to a legal action brought by the two women. Your wife is free to bring suit against the driver of the other car. I'm sure she'll get a lot more than $15,000.
@ Alencon: Yes.
OP: Can you say, "civil suit?" Sure, I knew your could. /Fred Rogers
" Everyone is to be compelled to bow down before the idol of Gay supremacy."
"Everyone?" Even newborn babies? Quadriplegics? Alzheimer's patients? That would be silly!
Lee, you know as well as I do that the cab driver question did a lot more than just say, "Hey, ladies, knock it out with all the PDA back there!"
You also know as well as I do that if asking them to stop did nothing, then the cab driver could have simply kicked them out of the cab or gotten the cops involved if they wouldn't listen. If that were what happened, then their lawsuit would have been laughed out of court. Hell, I don't like excessive PDA, either, so I would have been on his side.
But we both know that's not what actually happened.
It is said
Ah yes, another way of saying "rumor has it ...".
Urban legend, the Yellow Brick Road to historical facts. No research necessary, just say it.
Uh, wait, I know, I know! Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang, right?
"It is said that Henry VIII became so corrupt, so swollen with disease and moral baseness, such a slave to sin, that his corpse literally exploded before they could bury him."
I'm sure all the televangelists and touring preachers can lead similarly decadent lifestyles because of the profits they make off their unswerving audience.
Henry VIII had been fighting an infection in his leg for better than half of his life. Putrefaction of that wound is partly what killed him, along with the boils covering his body and morbid obesity. He was a walking bag of pus throughout the later years of his life. This wasn't the result of sin, it was caused by a jousting accident when he was young and the fact that medieval medicine was unable to completely heal the leg wound.
While it is accurate to say he was 'swollen with disease', his morality had nothing to do with it. Granted, he was a piss-poor human being. That wasn't what made him ill, however.
Also, no chemicals for preservation, thus no embalming. He was rotten before he even died. It would have been more shocking if he hadn't fucking exploded.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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