Signed, sealed and delivered, the death of the "Re-PUNK-licans" but much worse is the death of America and the birth of AMERIKA! We , as we desrve will be feeling the wrath of God! I personally believe that he is using this Muslim-Marxist jihadist to punish this nation, as he had done to Israel in the past, for turning away from Him! Button up your seat belts as the ride is about to get really horrific - this I guarantee you!
If anyone is passing interested in the future do a study of locusts in prophesy.
Now how many feet do locusts have? What do you walk on? How do locusts walk?
I douchebag, fundie, only Christian here today challenge Fraulein to a battle of the obtuse.
Meanwhile Central Europe and Skandinavia are just fine, even though they have straighed waaaayyyyyy further from fundie teachings.
Hey, maybe it's just radical assholes believing in stupid fairy tales that causes these problems?
Islamist Muslims are much closer to religious-right Republicans, than any of them are to Marxists.
If I remember correctly, Japan and Sweden are two of the most secular and non-religious countries in the world. Both are doing rather well, comparatively speaking. The more religious countries in Europe are having quite a bit of problem with their economy. (I doubt that that is the only reason (or even the main one), but who cares about correlations not having to be causations, right?)
"Signed, sealed and delivered, the death"
"Button up your seat belts"
Orwell says that when someone uses mixed metaphors, "it can be taken as certain that the writer is not seeing a mental image of the objects he is naming; in other words he is not really thinking".
If you deserve to be punished, and he's using the "Muslim-Marxist Jihadist" to punish you, shouldn't you welcome the Muslim-Marxist Jihadist? Why is he such a bad thing when it's only what you deserve? You should be happy about it.
it's a simple allusion to a communist dystopia.
The 'all caps' isn't so much shouting as an allusion to a further descent into the fictional.
Buttoning a seat belt, the mixture of metaphors, this car isn't even moving because it is a non functioning vehicle. Real cars that could be used for escape don't have button up seat belts.
Sitting still in a non moving vehicle means that the ride is a horror for those who are in the vehicle and not moving away or beyond the scope of the onslaught.
How did you go?
You can read can't you?
There have only been two Marxist-Muslim regimes; one in Afghanistan and the other in what was then Southern Yemen. Neither were jihadist and neither could survive without Soviet military power. How such a regime could have survived, prospered and been re-elected in America, the archenemy of the Soviet Union, is unclear. Unless, of course, David Veselenak is completely divorced from reality.
is unclear
One man, one vote, once is enough.
Hidden agendas Hasan. Novel strategies.
But having delivered your verdict there's nothing for you to look at. You just know.
"Signed, sealed and delivered, the death of the "Re-PUNK-licans"
Speaking as a left -wing Atheist, Good!
"but much worse is the death of"
right -wing fundie...
One of the worst failings of democracy is that it creates a society where people believe that their personal opinion is actually a legitimate basis for the position they take. This dovetails in a very unfortunate way with fundie morons.
"I personally believe..." is not an argument.
@PG13 -
There isn't quite as much stuff about "Amerika" being a Russified spelling as there is about it being a Rammstein song. I know what it's supposed to be, but that doesn't make it any less stupid to use it to refer to a hypothetical Communist America.
If Watergate couldn't kill the GOP, nothing will. Conservative Fundies will return like a dog to its own vomit. /metaphor
Your God is a real angry, axe-grinding type isn't he? Ever hear of Projection? I suggest starting with blood pressure meds, and working up to SUI's if that doesn't work.
the Chess board you and Hasan are looking at has every piece identified.
You, and Hasan, restricted as you are, by hyperfine definitions, articulate the form of every piece on the board failing to see the sword of Damocles at exactly this same tournament of board games.
Unfair you shout, swords hanging from horse hairs above our heads isn't in the board game tournament rules.
The pieces one has seen are never one's concern. Snipers are morphic, and so are your real enemies.
"Amerika" could just as easily apply to the ultra right wing, backward shithole some of you lot would like America to become.
And what is it with this "Muslim-Marxist jihadist" dogshit? Your president is none of those things, if that is what you were referring to (and with these fundies it is sometimes very hard to translate just what the fuck they are saying).
No, P-G, we are restricted by just two kinds of convention: firstly, linguistic convention, that means that what we say is intelligible to others; secondly, social convention, which means that we play nicely and do not obfuscate.
You will find my reply to your latest attempts at trying to weasel out of making a donation to charity for information you requested on the Quote#94329 thread. Besides the moral side to all this, I'm beginning to find this all a little tiresome.
Well try predicting that with the fullness of certainty on all occasions.
Or should you follow every single statement with a question?
"Now what was it you think I just said to you with my previous statement?"
But that's why you give examinations isn't it? To ascertain who was it who understood the things you were saying.
If you actually knew everything you said was being understood you wouldn't be testing anyone for anything other than memory. And that isn't what you are doing - so for a certainty you know that you speak a mystery to some people.
and Pilpul was never your thing?
But that's why you give examinations isn't it?
I write in intelligible English. No-one but you seems to have a problem with that. Those for whom what I say is a mystery are quite welcome to scroll over my posts.
I don't teach courses of FSTDT, so I don't give examinations here. When I go to the doctor, the doctor examines me, not the other way about.
and Pilpul was never your thing?
Not being a hasid, no. Besides, pipul is not aimless casuistry. It aims at deduction, not obfuscation, by giving clear reasoning. It is also not used for discussion unrelated to Talmud, Midrash and Haggadah.
@J. James
"Is it just me, or do PG's comments not make sense in ANY context?"
"I Am Convinced Pg Is A Marcov Chain Generator."
"Yep. Phil Is A Marcov bot."
"J James wrote
Is it just me, or do PG's comments not make sense in ANY context?
As others have mentioned, it seems to me there's a Markov text generator at work here."
An intriguing theory . Question: Is P-G one, or an actual human commenter? I shall test this with a simple experiment:
Amerika? Are all Americans going to star speaking German?
This fundie switching of 'c' to 'k' in the name of their country is a silliness that has almost gone viral. And futile - mainly because fundies are probably too stupid to learn another language, unless it's the English of the 16th century, so that they can the better understand their bibles.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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