Ironically most free thinking atheists still have there own "absurd" spiritual vices. Astrology, numerology, chakras, fate, karma,feng shui, auras, luck and the list goes on.
No, stupid, those are free thinking pagans, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. Despite what you so desperately want to believe, atheists have no gods and don't normally believe in the supernatural.
Heh you just charges atheists with the same thing that got Socrates exectued.
'Atheists are evil becuase they do not believe in gods but believe in gods.'
Apparently you are so retarded you don't understand the idiocy of this.
no, no, no, not really, no, no, no, no.
Actually, compared to atheists, it seems that Christians are the only people that ask me for tarot readings and get all scared when the death card comes up in their reading. They don't listen when I tell them that it means change, though.
astrology - yes.. i know my sign... i'm not sure that REALLY means anything though
numerology - i got nothing...
chakras - uh... i'm not aware of wheels of energy on my body... but i'm willing to test this theory
fate - only if by fate you mean that we're "destined" to end up where we are because of all the things preceding this moment
karma - shitty things come back to you... usually hurled by the people you do shitty things to... this isn't magic... it's called memory
feng shui - as an atheist homosexual, I prefer to use my own instincts for my decorating
auras - dude... you're auras is hella brown... probably from the karma someone just flung back at you
luck - better know as fortuitous coincidence... that is all
no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no and no it doesn't!
These people just don't get it, do they?
I suppose the reasoning is that anything fundies don't believe, atheists do believe.
Swing and a miss.
Check carefully, nitwit, and you'll find many Christian believers and non-believers believe in nonsense such as astrology, numerology, etc. However, I think you'll find atheists as a group are not likely to believe in such things as most atheists are familiar with critical thinking.
Luck?! Luck is a concept, and nothing more. When things work out in your favor, it's luck. No divine force attributed to it, just winning at chance.
While it is true that none of those things necessarily requires belief in a deity, you'll find that the same thought patterns that lead to Atheism will also lead one to reach the conclusion that all of those things are just as stupid as theism. Hence, while an Atheist *could* believe in those things, it isn't likely.
I have NEVER met a self-proclaimed atheist who also admitted to believing in any of that bullshit. Never. I've met some "agnostics" who did, but I've also never met an "agnostic" who actually knew what "agnostic" means, if you catch my drift.
I've seen atheists read horoscopes for entertainment and talk about an athlete they follow's "luck," but never any of the rest of that.
In other words, citation fucking needed.
Lying for Jesus is still lying, assclown.
Part of me wishes there actually were a Hell, so that I could see the look on the faces of people like you when you get sent there along with me for trampling all over the Ninth Commandment. Thankfully, though, that superstitious part of me is too small to allow for any serious thought of accepting any notion of a Creator beyond that of deism.
I beleive in some of those stuff, just it happens that I'm not an atheist.
Stop beating on that poor strawman.
Other than fate, no atheist would believe any of those things. And some, if not most, atheists don't believe in fate, either. You really, really, need to do some, forget that. offthefence, this is GOD ALMIGHTY. Go therefore now, and jumpest thyself off a fucking cliff. I have comandest thou, do my will. Or surely the fires and brimstones of hell await thee.
By "luck," maybe offthefence means the notion that things can influence your luck, such as rabbit's feet and four-leaf clovers.
Or maybe he's just clueless.
"Astrology, numerology, chakras, fate, karma,feng shui, auras, luck and the list goes on."
No. No. No. You guys believe in fate, so how can you call it "absurd"?. No. Feng shui is an aesthetic concept, not a philosophy. No. And "luck" is just a fancy way of saying "personally favorable outcome that would have previously been deemed unlikely". So...lose.
The only Chakra I've got is my Enermax computer case from the Chakra line. Not a bad case, really. I mean, the 250mm fan on the side is a wee bit louder than I had hoped it might be when I bought it, but it's not much to complain about.
Everything else, no. I'm skeptic about anything supernatural/superstitious. I doubt your "most" is accurate. A few maybe, but not must.
That's complete bullshit, though it's not surprising since the stars predicted someone named with three times the sixth letter was destined to say something idiotic on the Internet today, it's just bad luck it turned out to be you.
K, I don't know any Atheists who practice that shit. Second of all, you don't even know what it is to be an Atheist, so stfu. Fundies speak and believe so many lies that I bet if they really got to know an Atheist or a homosexual, they'd be pleasantly surprised. That's a big IF.
Damn it, most of the people here don't do a good job at defending atheists. Some of the posters are exceptions, they correctly point out that atheists can (and do) indeed believe in the things offthefence mentioned.
I was already an atheist when I became a buddhist, and I did believe in all sorts of supernatural things for a while.
Critical Thinking => Atheism
Atheism =/=> Critical Thinking.
Astrology, numerology, chakras, fate, karma,feng shui, auras, luck
I can't speak for all atheists, of course, but I reject these out of hand, just as I do for everything for which there is no evidence.
I suggest you go talk to an atheist about what he really believes, instead of making shit up about what you think they believe. Preconceived notions are rarely correct.
luck, feng shui, fate and karma are not earnestly or honestly believed in by Atheists
Luck is not absurd: It is the ocurrence of the unlikely to a person which results in a positive outcome for them.
Karma: Often used as a metaphor for the obvious fact that being a dick means that people will be a dick to you (what goes around comes around)
Feng Shui: A fun way to make a room flow much better with superior design and layout principles for furnituere
Fate: Sometimes things happen that you can't prevent or change (mainly a hollywood movie thing)
Astrology-No but then again I am an Aries and people with that star sign don't believe in it at all.
Numerology-No I added up the letters in my name and looked up the resulant number in a book and it said that numbers don't work that way.
chakras,karma,feng shui- No but then I don't like really spicy food
fate-I do have two of those, one on the end of each leg.
Aura -the Nasa mission of that name I have to admit I do "believe" in that one
luck- hehe almost sounds exactly like the word F....
Um, no. All of that is horse shit, too.
Not like you even know what any of them are.
Astrology, numerology, chakras, fate, karma,feng shui, auras, luck and the list goes on.
OK, you got me there, offthewall, the basis of my faith is Etcetera.
For the sake of argument, I'm an atheist sun-worshipper.
Nobody can call me "absurd" or tell me that the sun is not the prime source of life energy.
Well, you're free to call me absurd if you really feel the need. I'll understand.
Nay, says I.
When I gave up religion, I gave up any spiritual and supernatural thinking. No ghosts, goblins, karma, fate, destiny...whatever.
That's mostly new age shit.
I'm a Zen Buddhist and an Atheist, I don't believe any of that crap. I don't even believe in the karma accountant.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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