That ain't even his worst edit:
"Playing the victim is one of the ways racists, mass murderers, and totalitarians justify their worst deeds to themselves and others. Homofascist bigots and their hate groups have played the "persecuted" victim in this very manner to justify persecuting Christians by suing them and hounding them out of business for refusing to violate their consciences. As these hateful homofascist hypocrites inevitably find out the hard way, there's AlwaysSomeoneBetter at manipulating people with this fallacy, however; at present, the Islamic supremacists are the reigning champions of the Victimhood Olympics. With this ploy, Islamic supremacists have gotten massive support from homosexuals in other countries while they regularly defenestrate, stone to death, and hang them at home."
"Since abortion is Murder ''all'' good people determined avoid it. Those who try to defend this cruel genocidal practice are always trying evoke pity for the cruel and genocidal baby butchers and their clients with their Deadly Euphemisms and InsistentTerminology in a desperate attempt to distract us from the more than a billion innocent babies they've already cruelly tortured to death for no crime but being inconvenient, nameless, and voiceless. The most honest apologists for this indefensible atrocity against humanity admit that the ''only'' justification they have for these murders is that the victims were not too well known to anybody yet and therefore won't be missed as much. Along the way, of course, they have to lie to themselves and everyone else a ''lot'' to keep from realizing that such rationalizations can and will ultimately be used to justify murdering them too when they get old and inconvenient, lose their capacities to communicate with others, and are forgotten.
"...contemporary use of the "phobia" suffix (as in homo''phobia'', Islamo''phobia'', trans''phobia'', and xeno''phobia'') to block debate and smear all opposition to one's position as an irrational fear can only lead to deadly political polarization which ends in war: when one group's "conversations" and "dialogues" with another consists solely of screaming these invented accusatory buzzwords and catch-phrases (such as "toxic masculinity") at its opponents to justify refusing to allow them them speak, the people thus censored by censure may simply decide to let their guns do the talking instead."
"Transgenderist dogma remains highly controversial and is far from being universally toleratedlet alone acceptedoutside the extremely rarified elitist environment of left-wing academia; trolling people for refusing to believe in it will only lead them to reject it that much more forcefullyand sometimes violently. Also, oppressing a vast majority to pander to the whims of a very tiny minority is a form of bigotry and hate-mongering"
And that's WITHOUT the sinkhole links.