sunnytruth #fundie

You are incorrect regarding how you come to your conclusions. No one can dictate the rights of others but certainly others can point out the sin of homosexual behaviors. Interracial bans were wrong for it was sinful-that simple. But gay marriages are wrong for it is encouraging sin. Gay sex is a sin and is no different than adultery, fornication, stealing, etc. The courts are sanctioning sinful behavior. Being legal does not make it sinless or moral.

"Sin" is a completely artificial construct, invented by various belief systems and which varies widely according to which particular delusion you subscribe to. However, according to the Xian book, it is no greater a "sin" than eating shellfish or wearing 2 kinds of fabrics. The "holy" people in that book were famous for fornicating and adultery and many of them were allegedly ordered by your make believe god to commit mass murder and genocide. So take your judgmental nonsense and shove it up where your communion cookie came out.

Sin is for real and has eternal consequences. Too bad you are full of hate. If you see someone doing something harmful, you are pointing out the errors of their ways. That is a type of judgment, not condemnation, Homosexual behaviors are sinful. It is that simple.

Full of hate??? Look, idiot child, I am not the one trying to limit the rights of others. You are either horribly ignorant or a very bad troll.

See you must resort to name calling. Your arguments are weak. You do not want to accept the fact that sin exists and that we sin because we are sinners. The Lord Jesus is there for all of us and He will cancel your sins if you are truly repentant. He does not reject anyone but many will reject Him. Please stop your hateful attacks.



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