RetroSpriteResources #fundie

I found a video on Youtube that explains in the most brilliant ways why atheism is an uneducated movement and you must all give your repentance to Christ.

Seriously, why did atheism even start in the first place? I mean, if God doesn't exist, then who wrote the Bible? Do you think books just magically appear out of thin air?

God is testing your faith to him by using magic to skew the readings of science to suggest demonic movements such as evolution, the universe being 20 trillion years old and the Earth going around the Sun. NEVER trust mainstream "science".

Atheism ruined The Legend of Zelda by putting demons in it!

Comment more reasons why you think atheism is ridiculous.

Donald Trump 2022!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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