my religious beliefs are a core component of my life and make me happy, so why do i care if thier wrong?
From 0 to 3 in 22 words.
I reconsidered my vote.
Depends on what you use your religion beliefs for. This way you're justifying teenage sex, drugs, alcohol, abusive relationships....................
If it makes you happy, Brandon Duggan, you can thank both Providence and Jefferson that you are free to be happy in that way.
The only caveat: Don't attempt to force your brand of happiness on other people.
Live in your fantasy world, there bluebirds sing and there's a whisky spring, if that's what makes you happy. Just leave the rest of us out of it, and don't deny your kids medical care or try to influence public policy on behalf of your imaginary playmate.
Oh, the buzzin' of the bees in the cigarette trees, the soda water fountain, the lemonade springs where the bluebird sings on the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
As the Pulitzer winning naturalist and photographer Edwin Way Teale put it in 1950:
"It is morally as bad not to care whether a thing is true or not, so long as it makes you feel good, as it is not to care how you get your money, so long as you have got it."
I respect a theist who is willing to test their faith, and question it, because they risk something very meaningful to them to know the truth.
Fundies are contemptible because they would distort the truth for their own shallow piece of mind.
"my sexual perversions are a core component of my life and make me happy, so why do I care if they're wrong. "
George Bernard Shaw... a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.
(and he's referring to an isolated instance, not a general rule)
"hes right in his beleifs your all going to hell for mocking him im hope your pleased"
You mean "He's right in his beliefs. You're all going to Hell for mocking him, I hope you're pleased."
Blue Pill Award thirded, even though this is only a 3 or so.
He's not as fundie as most of our submissions; at least he entertains the idea that he could be wrong about his beliefs.
PntL, however, is a certified nutjob. And s/he doesn't even know the basics of grammar & spelling.
I can't agree with you on that, but I understand the sentiment and won't condemn you for it.
It's just that it's against my own principles to hold to something which is, as you say, a "wrong" belief (though I'd call it an unprovable or illogical one). That's why I'm an atheist.
“my religious beliefs are a core component of my life and make me happy, so why do i care if thier wrong?”
Have to wonder how Duggan feels about transgenders, here.
‘My identity is a core component of my life and makes me happy, so why do YOU care if they’re “wrong” by my DNA?’
Or gays?
‘My orientation is a core component of my life and makes me happy, so why do YOU care if they’re “wrong” by your religion?’
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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