“I think [atheist extremism] is a form of self-worship.”
What would atheist extremism even be?
I double-dog-dare you to believe in the IPU!
"They have delusions of godhood,”
Wouldn’t that be all the terribly opinionated people telling me how GOD judges me, even though he told them not to?
"they are self-righteous”
Really butthurt that we’re not even slightly afraid of your god, huh?
“and they get angry if you refuse to kiss they're butt.”
I don’t want your illiterate ass anywhere NEAR mine, thank you very much.
"So when you tell them that you believe in a power greater than them, they become jealous (Satan).”
No, sweetie. Just by identifying as an atheist tells people I’m aware that people like you believe in magical invisible beings. I’m not jealous. I just want you to stop legislating that superstition.
“Some "Christians" act this way as well, but I think those are just athiests pretending to be christian.”
Well, THAT’S handy as fuck, isn’t it? Anyone that would make your side look bad isn’t even ON your side.
There are atheists pretending to be Christains, but they try to fit in, not cause drama.
“If these athiests had their way, they would have "God" removed from "The Pledge of Allegiance".”
Anyone pretending to honor the constitution ought to.
“They'd have all copies of the Holy Bible burned.”
We’re not the ones burning books.
“If an athiest ever acquired godlike power, he'd stop pretending to be a "good" person and take full advantage of his new abilities.”
Well, yeah. There’s a lot broken with the world. Who would refrain from fixing it, given the opportunity?
"I don't believe in comic books.”
You don’t read Chick Tracts? I am suspicious…
“I believe everyone is flawed. VERY FLAWED. Everyone is capable of evil. I had no faith in people until I became christian. Before that, I was all these things above and I just thought life on planet earth was pointless for everyone.”
Oh! So you lived all those stereotypes when you were atheist that one time. Sure, sure, we believes you.
“Without God, our existence means nothing.”
How depressing that must be for you. And ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE out there, and you have no reason to be in it unless you’re sponsored by the SUpreme Power Of ALL Reality. That’s, like, nihilism with extra steps.
“Just some random joke. So even if it wasn't real, we need it.”
But actual atheists get by without any of the thousands of gods mankind has dreamed up. What’s wrong with you?