Let's see about the "let's see"...
"1.) Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and in most Western countries."
True, but what's your point? If a billion people believe the moon is made of green cheese, that doesn't mean it is. Ever heard the phrase "A million ____________ can't be wrong?" Well yes, yes they can. And they frequently are.
"2.) Islam is the second largest religion in the world."
Well, that really depends on whether or not you belive the claims of the Chinese government that all those hundreds and hundreds of millions of peasants are not, in fact, Buddhists.
"3.) Islam is the only path to God."
Well, now you're just stating opinion as fact. You may believe Islam is the only path to God, but that doesn't make it true. I believe that wearing a black beret makes me look sophisticated and continental, but all my friends say it makes me look like a tool. I choose to disregard them, but they are probably right.
"4.) People are willing to die for Islam."
OK, how is that different from any other religion on the face of the planet? If you looked hard enough, you could find someone willing to die for vanilla pudding, but that doesn't mean you should bow down to a Jell-O snack cup.
1.) Shitty idea to justify black people to be primitive."
Well, I see that you are being nicely objective here. By using a perjorative word like "shitty" you have destroyed your objective credibility with the first word. While I agree that Christianity has, in the past, been twisted and used as a means of subjugating ethnic minorities, it generally is not used in that matter today. Islam, however, is actively being used for that purpose in Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Yemen, etc....
"2.) Leads to the rejection of God due to intellectual arrogance."
Darwinism (if such a thing even exists anymore, his theories have been greatly revised and refined since his work) does not deal with the issue of God's existence at all, it merely seeks to understand the process by which life has developed. God's role in such development, being beyond the scope of scientific examination, is left untouched. Hell, I know more people who have been driven away from God by religion than by evolution.
"3.) It's a fastly dying dogma."
I wish on the first star of the evening, too, but it's not going to make your fantasies come true. And since evolution is always open to criticism, revision, and new data, it by definition is not "dogma."
"4.) People dont give a shit about evolution."
Actually, they do. Most polls conducted by independant sources show the majority of people accept that evolution occurred. The strict young-earth creationist belief is a minority in the world. Just because you wish people didn't care, doesn't mean they don't.
"5.) Delusion."
Evolution: based on observable, testable data and theory. Revised as new data becomes available. Open to criticism, questioning, and research. Based on reason and logic.
Creationism: Based on a blind belief in an ancient legend, re-translated dozens, if not hundreds, of times. Contrary to nearly all observable, testable data. Closed to questioning and criticism.
You tell me which is the "delusion."