New York #fundie
homosexuals should never have children
I am sorry but here again you prove that those who don't agree that homsexualilty is normal are being treated as backward bigots. Don't you think, the wisdom of thousands of years is important? Homosexulity is homocentric. It is love of itself. It is male in love with male, female in love with female. Even though love is genderless, having children changes it. The main reason families were instituted with a male and female were to fill the earth with human beings. DUH!! Tolerating your group is one thing, but accepting and telling our children its OK to be GAY is another. Your sexual orientation should not interfere with anything else you do in life. When you choose to tell all you are gay and then expect others to still have the same opinon of you, you are kidding yourselves. Sexual orientation is a very private and sacred thing. Since gays can't have children naturally, that should not be part of their lifestyle. One more thing, most gays are very into recruiting straights.