Says the animal about his creator...
See how stupid your answer really is...
Seems the only thing cross on here is your own inability to separate yourself from that which you are caretaker off, to that which is under the caretaker. Is it any wonder you cannot believe in your creator,
I am dealing with facts... We are not animals we gave the names to all individual species and lumped them altogether under the one title animals. The bible makes the clear distinction between man and animal.
I guess the donkeys only know how to eat their carrots because they cannot plough the fields and sow their own.
Does that make man a different type of ass?
We all see why mankind is mankind and not an animal. Believe what you want because even an animal isn't dumb enough to pretend there is no difference between animals and humans.
Humans are not animals... here endeth the first lesson.
"We are not animals we gave the names to all individual species and lumped them altogether under the one title animals."
If you mean common names:
-many of these are far from unambiguous.
-different languages distinguish different groups (e.g. in German, apes are not distinct from monkeys, but rather a subgroup - Menschenaffen , "human-monkeys").
-lots of species, indeed, most of them, have NO common name.
If you mean binomial names:
-these were invented long after the Bible.
-the process is still going on.
-humans are grouped as animals.
-in the end, Linnaeus realised that some kind of evolution must have happened. His system of nested hierarchies works so well because it is what evolution predicts.
In any case:
-as you admitted, we are talking about nomenclature made up by fallable mortals. Does your ilk not normally deny everything "man-made"?
-we even gave our own species a name (and disturbingly, in several "indigenous" languages, this name is also the name for that people)
"We all see why mankind is mankind and not an animal. Believe what you want because even an animal isn't dumb enough to pretend there is no difference between animals and humans."
No, it is getting more and more evident that there is no qualitative difference between humans and at least the more intelligent non-human animals - even leaving aside that it should be self-evident to anyone who ever had a pet.
Learn to live with it. I am an avid carnivore (although I hope that at some point, in vitro meat will phase out slaughter, and I suspect future generations might view our use of animals as we today see slavery), yet I have no problem with accepting animal sapience and look forward to the time when we manage to actually communicate with dolphins, corvids or keas.
"Seems the only thing cross on here is your own inability to separate yourself from that which you are caretaker off, to that which is under the caretaker."
Dang that's some turgid grammar, and who still uses the word "endeth" outside of the Renaissance Festival?
Even I as Christians believe that we are animals. Well it depends what's defenition you're talking about.
Animal-any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation
a : one of the lower animals as distinguished from human beings
b : mammal; broadly : vertebrate
: a human being considered chiefly as physical or nonrational; also : this nature
: a person with a particular interest or aptitude <a political animal>
: matter, thing <the theater
is an entirely different animal Arthur Miller>; also : creature 1c
We put you and a donkey in a past world, say 400 years ago anywhere.
The Donkey will certainly find a way to survive. You will die.
And that's a good thing.
"I am dealing with facts..."
So one particular donkey didn't have human speech abilities? Therefore thank you Sissy, for admitting that either the "Shrek" films are documentaries, or - via just that one part of your 'True' Bible being proven to be a tissure of lies, therefore all of it is - like said films, said 'True' Bible is pure fantasy .
"Zootopia". Here endeth the last lesson, carrots. [/Nick Wilde]
If humans aren't animals, then why do our bodies so much resemble apes? Why are our bodies so fucking weak and incapable of doing much without technology? The only thing that separates man from animal is our mind, which in too many cases is held back by the weakness of our body, which is possibly the weakest of the apes.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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