No ancient people in history have ever passed along accounts of our alleged "vine-swinging ancestors." One would think that the first fully formed humans would have marvelous stories about their non-speaking parents and ancestors. But of course, no one does because the story of evolution is as imaginary, convoluted, and far-fetched as "Lord of the Rings."
But at least Tolken knew his story was fiction. Evolutionists on the other hand, actually believe their characters were real. That's what makes evolutionists delusional.
And reading what's on a fossil is as subjective as looking at the shapes that leaves on a tree form.
So again, let's hear the real history of the Jews. I bet it's as far-fetched and entertaining as the claim that apes once turned into people.
Tolkien actually had a rather lucid and coherent creation myth, with no inherit contradictions to boot. If only some other creation myths could be as coherent and internally consistent.
Again, you fail biology 101.
One would think that the first fully formed humans would have marvelous stories about their non-speaking parents and ancestors.
Yeah, because, in one single generation, we moved from proto-humans to modern man, and started right with a complete, recordable, functioning language! That makes perfect sense!
Funny... monkeys and many other animals have some sort of language and in many cases it can be quite complex. Therefor, one would assume that THEY have stories about their stupid, upright, children that went by the way side believing in some god figure who went bowling when it stormed...
... oh wait....
No ancient people in history have ever passed along accounts of our alleged "vine-swinging ancestors."
No ancient people in history have ever passed along accounts of how the first people arrived in North America, either, and that was less than 15,000 years ago. How many of Carico's family have passed along marvelous stories of how their ancestors spoke Latin or Old Frisian?
This is one of those posts that may make you wonder if Carico is actually a dedicated troll because it's hard to believe anyone can really be this stupid.
But, yes, she really IS this stupid. Sad but true and also hilarious.
Well, there are cave painting that are tens of thousands of years old. Then again, this is Carico, so satan put those to test our faith. Btw Carico, how does it feel when you go to the zoo and chimps throw crap at you?
And reading what's on a fossil is as subjective as looking at the shapes that leaves on a tree form. "
actually, leaves on a tree is about as objective as you can get. my uncle majored in forestry in college and you can hand him a leaf from any tree in america and i'll bet you ten to one odds he'd know what it is.
I found Tolkien to be extremely boring and long-winded, and essentially turned the once thought of mischevious and slightly evil elves into fucking pansies. But seriously, claiming that 'evolutionists' believe Tolkien was real? What the fuck is wrong with you? Lying for Jesus FTL.
Gee...maybe, 'cause, I dunno. There was no writing back then?
The whole "vine swinging" thing kinda went away long before we had advanced communication skills.
"But at least Tolken knew his story was fiction. "
Well, duh. He was the one making it up. Of course he knew it was fiction.
"Creationists on the other hand, actually believe their characters were real. That's what makes creationists delusional. "
"And reading what's on a fossil is as subjective as looking at the shapes that leaves on a tree form. "
Ignoring the nonsense about "reading what's on a fossil"(??), I hope you remember the rest of that statement the next time some idiot claims to see Jesus or Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich or a piss-stain on a bathroom door.
I said 'good day , madame!'
I happen to believe that the Valar sang the universe into existence, so kiss my ass!
Tarzan say, Ngowa cracka, kiss Tarzan's ass!
So, there are numerous evidences of great elvish civilizations, bones of cave trolls and giant eagles, wizard wands and shinning swords? Kiss my ass Carico. Analogy fail.
"But at least Tolken knew his story was fiction. Evolutionists on the other hand, actually believe their characters were real. That's what makes evolutionists delusional."
You said it,woman! You're the one with imaginary friends.
"But at least Tolkien knew his story was fiction. Fundies on the other hand, actually believe their Bible is real. That's what makes Fundies delusional"
Carry on, Carico. Your ramblings add to the sum total of lulz here on FSTDT.
But we have the fossils and your Bible history doesn't mention all these past creatures ever. Oddly enough one humonoid found has been nicknamed 'Hobbit' because of it's size and build.
Scientest don't think it's a real Hobbit because that would be stupid, like Carico's ideas
<i>let's hear the real history of the Jews. I bet it's as far-fetched and entertaining</i>
I think it's called the Old Testament, and yeah -- it's pretty fucking farfetched.
What is it with fundies and their inability to grasp gradual change?
You may as well ask: "Why did no-one write about the first poodle! I mean, wow, it must have looked so freaky coming out of wolves like that."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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