The lifeblood of the Obama administration is to attack Christians, parental rights, families and God Himself. Obama and Hillary have been extremely supportive of ‘The Rights of the Child” convention at the U.N. As usual, on the surface everything sounds so good and reasonable. What is wrong with protecting children from predators around the world and preserving rights? That has been the dressing that Obama and Hillary hide behind for years. It is the farthest thing from the truth.
What is really being protected is the complete and total control and then destruction of the sovereign rights that parents have. The UN and their international governing body would forbid spanking and parental rules and guidelines they don’t agree with. Requiring a child to go to church against their will on a Sunday would become a crime and could get your child taken right out of your home. Kids would also be allowed to roam all over the Internet without parental controls and protections. Welcome to the sexual and human trafficking playground children. A pesky parent would have limited if any controls over their child. Remember Hillary’s mantra “It takes a village to raise a child.” Her and Obama believe the same. Parents and God can’t raise the child only the Government and the U.N. Well, I and America have a saying also – “It takes ‘the people’ to crush a dictator. So let’s bring it!
And yet you never lift a finger agains Dumbya, even as he dismatled one constitutional right after another.
See, I`m completly on board with this new childs rights convention, truth be told, if I had my way, we`d go waay deeper than that, because quite frankly it disturbs me that you need a licence to drive a car, yet no test is necessary to raise a living, feeling human being... Cry as you might, beating up a kid is an abuse of the highest order, as is any attempt to "break" or "instil discipline" Your children are there to be lovingly tought, to help them realise their natural curiosity and to guide them on their way to becoming educated, understanding, respectufl, empathic and social adults. anything less and you deserve to have yours taken away, if only we could find a loving family for them all.
Heaven forbid children have rights! I doubt this would stop parents from dragging their kids to church, but even if it did, I wouldn't mind not being dragged to church and forced to lie about my beliefs by my parents anymore.
"Requiring a child to go to church against their will on a Sunday would become a crime"
So, brainwashing is A-OK, as long as it is only christians doint it...
Oh, FFS, can someone post the persecuted, persecuted, not persecuted picture again?
Otherwise I get the impression of Obama and Hillary looking like the archetypical evil villains with cruel smiles and rubbing their hands together saying, "Next we're going to take away your children and give them to gay couples! Muwahahahahaha!"
Uh, sweetie, we have a way to change administrations. It's called an election. And you've been running a campaign against someone who isn't going to be a candidate any more, ever. That doesn't bode well for your campaign strategy. You'll have to line up solidly beside someone who is unabashedly for the rights of parents to abuse their children as they see fit....and we on the other side of the fence will make sure to point that out to the voters.
I learned about the Rights of the Child convention a few years back in college. I was skeptical of some of the ideas in it (can't quite remember what), but on the whole, a lot of it seemed like common sense.
I realize this might not be fair, but whenever I hear an opponent of the convention, I think of the sort of parents that the kids had in "Kidnapped for Christ". The kind who see kids has future copies of themselves, and who will do anything to make that vision a reality.
Also, "Parents and God can’t raise the child only the Government and the U.N.". What are you even talking about by saying "God can't raise the child"? This is the equivalent of Ted Cruz saying Net Neutrality is the Obamacare of the Internet.
Wait, parents have sovereignty? I had no idea my house was a completely separate country. Then why do I pay US taxes? But seriously though, there is no right to parental sovereignty. You can't beat your children, keep them from getting an education, deny them medical treatment (such as vaccines), or verbally abuse them. Your only rights as a parent are custody, making decisions for them (until they are 18), and teaching them whatever sense or nonsense you feel like. You don't and shouldn't have absolute carte blacnhe.
How any rational human being could be totally opposed to "The Rights of the Child" convention shocks the hell out of me.
If there are specific provisions you are concerned about, then identify them and explain your concern. No one, absolutely fucking no decent human being could be opposed to every article.
Remember Hillary’s mantra “It takes a village to raise a child.” Her and Obama believe the same.
And that's true. No child grows up in a bubble unless the parents are hermits. You don't think your friends and neighbors have any influence on your child whatsoever?
Well, I and America
I love how your type is always so quick to declare that your opinion is the opinion of the entire country. All while claiming that the president that was elected by said country TWICE does not represent the opinion of America. I'll let you guess which one I believe is closer to the opinion of "the people".
have a saying also “It takes the people’ to crush a dictator.
It does. It also takes other people claiming to be "the people" to implement one. It's usually the hardcore minority that imposes its will on everyone and declares it to be "the will of the people" that leads to dictatorships. And usually it's done through an armed resistance against the existing, democratic political structure.
Well, I and America have a saying also It takes the people’ to crush a dictator.
The theory of popular sovereignity was developed by French philosophers.
As for the tyranny, I'd be more than happy to haul your ass over to North Korea or Azerbaijan for a couple of weeks. I'm curious whether you'd still whine about the USA being a dictatorship when - and if - you come back.
Here you go.
I'm betting this bitch is one of the people who hate the Jada and Will Smith style of parenting.
For those who don't know, the Smiths believe in the autonomy of children. As long as it's not dangerous, illegal, or against the general social contract they don't care what their children do. Their daughter shaved her head? Her body; her choice. Their son has started wearing dresses because they're comfortable and he likes the look? His body; his choice.
Honestly, we could use more parents like that.
Requiring a child to go to church against their will on a Sunday would become a crime
As a minor whose parents could at this time legally threaten all sorts of things (did you know parents can collect children's wages?) if I did not comply with their religious preferences (not that they've been doing this) I support reducing parental ability to coerce children.
Kids would also be allowed to roam all over the Internet without parental controls and protections.
Parental controls on the Internet have a valuable purpose, which is promoting increased technical knowledge among our youth to make our country more competitive in software industries in the future. ;) Seriously, though, the amount of legislation written to "protect" me has not really done much other than inconvenience me (why are legitimate news websites blocked as "adult" on campus? I don't know, but Tor Browser won't care!). If you want to prevent abuse of children by strangers, maybe teach kids they don't have to obey every adult they see? Also, be the sort of person who a third party could not blackmail your child by threatening to inform.
Parents and God can’t raise the child only the Government and the U.N.
If your god were our father he'd be in jail for billions of counts of severe child abuse by now due to the massive human rights violations you assert that he commits in "hell". The government in the form of my school district isn't a great authority figure either but unlike parents there are much clearer upper bounds to how they will respond to actions (if my parents wanted to they could send me to be tortured in Massachusets at the JRC, whereas the school cannot do that).
And if the UN actually were involved in parenting they would do a better job than some people because at least they think hurting kids is bad, and they mentioned said JRC as illegal in their reports, while the US government allows it to remain open.
I and America have a saying also “It takes the people’ to crush a dictator.
Ah, so you call the UN a dictatorship, clearly this is because of all the control it has over what the United States does. Oh, wait, basically they send us strongly-worded letters and ask us to sign things when it comes to issues like this. Also, the amount of power my parents have over me is much closer to dictator-like than the amount of power the UN has over you.
@Goomy pls
It is every level of parenting done right.
“The question why I would LET Willow cut her hair,” the 41-year-old continued. “First the LET must be challenged.”
“This is a world where women, girls are constantly reminded that they don’t belong to themselves; that their bodies are not their own, nor their power or self determination. I made a promise to endow my little girl with the power to always know that her body, spirit and her mind
are HER domain.
Willow cut her hair because her beauty, her value, her worth is not measured by the length of her hair. It’s also a statement that claims
that even little girls have the RIGHT to own themselves and should not be a slave to even their mother’s deepest insecurities, hopes and
desires. Even little girls should not be a slave to the preconceived ideas of what a culture believes a little girl should be.”
-Jada Pinkett Smith
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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