Bob G #fundie

There is a multitude of things going on and it can only lead to bad. We can start with socialized medicine. It be a comin". We can add to that the break down of the black culture. Can't speak English, can't wear a hat properly, can't pull up their pants, and have absolutely no respect for human life. Especially their own. I'll add to that the homosexual lifestyle which is rife with STDs and pedophilia. Don't tell me I'm wrong. Internet web sites abound for you people just like girly sites for us. Let's continue with abortions. Dear God, Planned Parenthood has killed more humans than all of us "gun owners" will ever come close too. Then we can discuss the bashing of Christianity. Merry Christmas is out the door. Prayer in school is out the door. Nativity scenes are out the door. Etc., etc. And I read somewhere today that a Nebraska school district forbids teachers from calling students "boys" and "girls". They are to be referred to as "purple penguins" just to keep everything gender neutral. Thank you for that homosexual community. Nothing like perverting young minds early on.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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