Without going into details of the scientific facts, creation by intelligent and powerful Creator, who is created being with the idea is much more meaningful than just self creating and self organization of the universe by unknown singularity, which model is in conflicts with existing laws of physics. Big Bang model has so weaknesses and pure philosophical approach that is simply not worth to commenting.
With regard to the Bible ignorance is not an argument. You can not comment on the content and authenticity while you read it carefully. This is only so old multi tome book preserved to this day in its original form. Of course some people with impure intentions have tried to bring light sly changes altering the meaning of some important verses, but unsuccessfully. God take care for authenticity of Scripture. Apart from that all prophecies recorded in Scripture are came true.
"Big Bang model has so weaknesses and pure philosophical approach that is simply not worth to commenting. "
Are you not commenting upon these weaknesses because of your professionalism, as you'll be detailing them properly in a forthcoming journal? Or, is it because you don't know of any weaknesses in the theory, and are just saying this to give the impression that you are arguing from a position of authority, when, in actuality, you are just a clueless buffoon suffering from cognitive dissonance? Personally, I lean towards the latter.
On an unrelated note, I can't help but notice the alias of the person that submitted this quote. @Creedence Leonore Gielgud: I take it you're a fan of the hilariously awful film Troll 2? As a connoisseur in atrocious films I am wondering what other bad-good films you enjoy? Troll 2, along with The Room and the Birdemic series, is my favourite in this category.
Apart from that all prophecies recorded in Scripture are came true.
Really? How did I manage to miss the drying up of the river Nile, the emptying of the oceans and Israel living in peace with it's neighbors?
Yossarian Lives: The Room is no less than a modern masterpiece. I wasn't the person you asked, but your mention of The Room couldn't go ignored.
Sharknado and Sharknado 2 were similarly triumphant. If you haven't seen them, I recommend them enthusiastically. They will forever alter your perceptions of the natural world.
"creation by intelligent and powerful Creator"
Very convenient how you call everything "creation" and then OF COURSE "it needs a "creator".
Why don't you call everything "not creation" and then of course "it would not need a creator"? We can't have that, though, right? Because that wouldn't allow you to force your specific fairy-tale sky-pixie on everyone, right?
First let me advise going back to school and taking another shot at basic grammar. That mess was only just barely on the right side of unreadability.
With that out of the way, I'd also advise taking another look at the Bible's history as those who compiled the thing put it together while cutting out and doing their best to destroy all copies and records of the bits they didn't like. It's utterly meaningless for a heavily edited compilation of works to remain unchanged from it's already altered form. Furthermore, it's equally meaningless for "prophecies" to be fulfilled before they're even recorded and with no other history recording them or, as is so often the case with the Bible, with known history as recorded by all other sources and emerging historical finds all directly outing these stories of prophecy and fulfillment as fabrications.
Prophecies? Just in Ezekiel,there are failed prophecies in 26:7, 29:8-12 and 30:12. And that's just one book! There are whole websites pointing out failed prophecies.
And you, Ren, are a fool.
"Without going into details of the scientific facts..."
Translation: I don't know the difference between a gene and an electron and can't be bothered to try to understand it. Science is too hard for me so, therefore, God.
BTW. Which version of the Buybull is in it's "original form". I assume that you are conversant in Aramaic and ancient Greek so it should be a small matter to identify the particular tome.
By all means join in, I never intended for it to be a closed conversation. :)
I've seen snippets of Sharknado, but I wasn't gripped. It seemed too contrived, as if the directors weren't even intending to try and make a good film. The glorious thing about The Room, and this applies to the other films I've mentioned, is that it was supposed to be good. The absurd lines, countless plot holes, ham acting, and cringeworthy sex scenes in The Room would be devalued somewhat if that was Tommy Wiseau's intention. Some may say that this is perverse schadenfraude to like a film that is so bad, but hey, they put it into the public sphere, and if I met the directors of these films I wouldn't dress it up to mislead them over the actual quality of their film. [/graspingatstraws]
@Yossarian Lives
I think I prefer the Room over Troll 2, but it's a tough call there. I haven't gotten around to watching Birdemic yet, but it does look like it measures up to them quiet nicely.
Some of my other favs are: The Stuff, Burial Ground, Nightmare City, Hobgoblins, Demons I and II, and Wild Zero. I'd include Killer Klowns From Outer Space too, but it was intentionally made that way, plus considering it's budget, and the time it was made, it's special effects were extremely good.
Keeping with the spirit of this site, Blood Freak is...well it's something. On one hand it's an unremarkable 70s era exploitation film. On the other hand it's also a fundamentalist Christian film, that seriously tries to warn viewers about the dangers of smoking weed and fornication, through the story of a biker who turns into a giant, homicidal, blood-drinking were-turkey after a night of smoking and sex. Luckily with the help of a nice Christian girl, Jesus gets called into save the day, and the biker's soul. Hallelujah!
The newer bad“ movies like Sharknado or Megashark Vs. Giant Octopus can be entertaining in their own right, but they have nothing on movies that were intended to be good“ but went horribly wrong.
A few friends and me are trying to watch one such movie every week, they are often more funny than any comedy can be. Highlights were amongst others Hawke The Slayer and Red Sonja, but also too many Italian movies from the 80s to count. It’s a shame that the original Left Behind movies were never dubbed into German, I would really like to riff at them with my friends!
For those of you speaking German, a good site for finding such pearls is www.badmovies.de . I’m afraid Google Translate will not work that well there, because they are heavily using jargon.
It's a good thing you're not going into details of "creation by intelligent and powerful Creator", as there are no details involved. The whole ID movement is just underhand and dishonest wheedling to get it to be accepted as valid and taught alongside real science.
The Bible? Preserved in its original form? Bwaaaaaaaaaaah!
Oh yeah, lots of impure intentions behind that book and its many translations. "Queen" James the VI and I, comes to mind...
One of the major stumbling blocks with the indoctrinated.
Meaningful is a completely abstract and varied word and NO, the universes matter and energy are not compelled by the idealism of people.
The Big Bang model is not a philosophical (except that every belief, even "all Grimm fairy tales are true" is a philosophy in it's broadest meaning) concept, it is a scientifically based theory based on scientific principles based on current observations.
The Birdemics are worth a shot, but they're not as quotable as The Room or Troll 2. However, the woeful acting, shocking editing, unbelievable plot lines, atrocious CGI that really has to be seen to be believed, as well as the contrived environmental themes make up for this. The sequel suffers somewhat given that James Nguyen (the mind behind this masterpiece) deliberately plays on the worst parts of the original because he's deluded himself into thinking that its fans enjoy it because of its potential, and subtle quality, which gives the impression that it's a bit forced. Also, the ever present digs at Hollywood and the mainstream film industry, whilst praising underrated indie cinema (which Nguyen obviously considers himself to be part of), does get the eyes rolling. However, the sequel does contain some of the most absurd scenes, which just make you scream "what the fuck was he thinking?"
James Nguyen can't do anything right, even the behind the scenes footage on Birdemic 2 is appallingly brilliant (hehe ). Also, according to Nguyen's interview with Empire magazine, there is to be a Birdemic 3, and he promises that it will be in 3D!
Thanks for the list of other bad-good films. They should keep me and my friends entertained for a while!
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