In it's relative short existence, science has manage to produce as many outrageous, far-fetched, ridiculous fairy tales as any religion has ever produced.
So you admit that your religion’s beliefs are "outrageous, far-fetched, ridiculous fairy tales "?
At least we agree on that one point.
In it's relative short existence, science has manage to produce as many outrageous, far-fetched, accomplishments like curing the black plague, stopping your house from being struck by lightning, making flying machines, making light without fire, making cloth out of petroleum, landing a man on the moon, a box that shows moving pictures . . . can your 2000 year old fairy tale produce anything comparable?
*crickets chirping*
indeed the whole concept of bacteriology, virology, epidemiology,anathaesia, etc etc.
In 1750 years Xianity came up with "bad air", ducking, burning ....
Uh, no, religion pretty much has a monopoly on outrageous, far-fetched, ridiculous fairy tales.
And also everything that has made our lives better.
Science is just the way shit gets done. You really can't argue against it because nothing else would work at all and any other method would be ridiculous and impractical.
Outrageous and far-fetched, yes, but also true.
I will grant you that quantum mechanics is far-fetched but my transistor radio and this computer work just fine.
The problem is that the far fetched things that science has
Beaming an image of someone from Beijing to the US for the Olympics, bouncing it off of metal machines floating in outer space does sound far out when you think of it. But it works.
When your religion heals an amputee with something better than the titanium limb that science provides, we can talk about this again.
ya, like gravity, and thermodynamics, and the process that made your clothes, and.... wait, all that makes sense
Translation: "I don't understand it, therefore it must be (or due to) magical fairy tales."
Fundamentalsm in a nutshell.
Yes. Such is the nature of a self-correcting discipline. However, these are all mitigated by the fact that science has the goal of weeding out it's fairy-tales and finding the truth, while religion is content to hold on to them.
Pseudo, Medicine-man, Voodoo, Creationist science? You got that right, however there is a real scientific method that weeds out bullshit pretty fast.
How Science decides on the truth:
SCIENTIST #1: "I propose that lightning is caused by giant cigarette lighters living in the sky."
SCIENTIST #2: "You're out of your gourd! What evidence do you have that giant cigarette lighters live in the sky, or that lightning bears any similarity to a cigarette lighter's flame?"
SCIENTIST #1: "Er ... uh ... I'll have to get back to you on that."
How Religion decides on the truth:
RELIGIONIST #1: "Lightning is caused by a giant invisible man living in the sky who sends fire to the Earth to smite sinners."
RELIGIONIST #2: "You're out of your gourd! What evidence do you have that a giant invisible man lives in the sky, or that lightning correlates with sin?"
RELIGIONIST #1: "DIE, INFIDEL! " [chops #2's head off] "The fact that I was able to kill #2 just now proves that God agrees with me."
No. You just lie about what they say or do and then say "isn't that ridiculous" Why, yes it is. That why they never said anything remotely like that.
They leave ridiculous to the religious
In it's relative short existence, [science]
Uh, just a question here; when Eve tasted the apple, was it not an act of learning? And since she ignored god to do so, did science not predate religion?
Yeah, far fetched things like gravity, friction, etc.
What sane person would ever believe in those?
First of all, science has been around AT LEAST since about 500 bc. Remember all those Greek philosophers? Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle, etc.? And it can be shown that some science goes all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. Second, science has the sole purpose of explaining observable reality. Sometimes they come up with things that seem 'out there', and sometimes it's shown to be right. Sometimes it's not, and if it is shown to be crap, they scrap it and go with something else. This is science. Fundyism on the other hand, accepts anything in the bible, no matter how foolish and fantastical it is, even if it's proven to be not real. It's based on fairy tales, and not on reality. They are brainwashed into thinking that their way is right, and satan has deceived everyone who disagrees with them. If they would just think about the implications of this, they would realise that they are full of shit, and need to grow up and get a life.
Some form of science or other has been around since the first human tried to make fire by rubbing two sticks together, instead of sitting in the dark and cold, waiting for the Powers that Be to produce lightning.
All those outrageous, far-fetched, ridiculous fairy tales that science produced were debunked using the scientific method.
Religion, on the other hand, keeps all its outrageous, far-fetched, ridiculous fairy tales and calls them "Truths".
Yes, I agree. If science were any good, we would have invented electricity, running water, the wheel, reading and writing, the Internet, and frozen pizza by now.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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