Matt Barber #fundie
Jesus is the spiritual, and the very narrow, pathway to Truth, which is Himself. He invented logic. It's a tool that helps us to observe, study, and to otherwise uncover the many mysteries veiled beneath His awesome natural order.
Rather conspicuously, and as I've noted before, Jesus did not say: "At the beginning the Creator made them lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). For this reason a male, female or shemale will leave his, her or whatchahoozie's father and mother, father and father or mother and mother and be united to his or her wife - and/or husband - and the two or more will become one flesh. Not that there's anything wrong with that."
Homosexuality is mock sexuality.
And "gay marriage" is mock marriage.
So, again, and lest there be any uncertainty as to where I'm going with all this, "same-sex marriage" is evil - always and without exception. It is centrally defined by the sin of Sodom, which is expressly wicked conduct. All good things come from God the Father, and all wickedness comes from the father of lies. If God designed biblical marriage and natural human sexuality, and He did, then we are left no doubt as to who designed its counterfeit - as to who fabricated pagan "gay marriage" and otherwise perverted God's perfect purposes for human sexuality.
"Gay marriage" is Satanic.
It's only logical.