The Antichrist {Beast} will wage war against all who oppose him, which will be the Christians -- those who reject Satan and follow Jesus as Christ and Lord.
The Governments of England, Western Europe, Canada and Russia have virtually disarmed their citizens except for antiquated hunting rifles. Christians in these countries will offer little resistance to The Antichrist who will control the Military and police forces of the world!
See this is where your delusion breaks down...
Sargeant: Ok boys the anti-christ says we gotta shoot all the christians.
Private: Gosh sarge, why?
Sargeant: Hell if I know, but we gotta follow orders don't we?
Private: Oh, ok then, guess we'll just have to shoot them. Uh, sarge ain't you a christian, I mean you wear a cross and everything?
Sargeant: Yep son, I reckon you know what to do...sigh...
Private: Sorry sarge...BLAM!
You always talk as if the armies and police forces of the world were mindless drones that would follow any order no matter if illegal or morally repugnant. They aren't and they won't. Many of those in the military are christian too, so why are they going to help persecute other christians again?
Harry don't tell me you're yet another scaredy-pooftah-pants nancy boy who's frightened of the urine-sipping nonce of a retard devily twit ol' satan cretin. A teenie tiny baby could arm-wrestle satan into an amorphous lump and squeeze it with its buttocks until his nose bleeds buttermilk. You weak, pathetic wank-stain, just like satan in fact.
i think The Royal Navy, RAF,Army, Marines, Commandos, SAS, the canadian armed forces etc would love to have a rather well armed word with you there fella
Poorest argument i have ever heard for gun ownership.
You make this pro-gun person angry, but not for the reasons you think. Thy shall not handle anything bigger than a BB gun.
Tell you what, Harry, if the military come for you, you just try holding them off with your NRA arsenal, and see how much good it does you.
Meanwhile, the Antichrist completely avoids Switzerland.
The Russian population, disarmed ?
Perhaps you should study some history. Personally I think Russians could seriously fuck up the Legions of Hell, gun restrictions or no.
"Apostle" Paul was the Antichrist.
As evidence we have mobs of paranoid bible queers, afraid of anything that moves and self-righteous unto death.
Just so we're clear: Canada has ten times the guns per capita of America.
This means that Canadian citizens wield as many firearms as Americans.
And that there's ten times more Americans.
Disarmed? Pffft.
Antiquated hunting rifles?
Tell that to the people of Finland and Switzerland.
And Russia is not unarmed, by far...
Satan's Rapture?
Does he get one, too? Damn, how many will there be, now? Who else wants a rapture; how about Elvis, Darwin, Bugs Bunny...?
Let me understand... you and you rifle are going to fight against professional soldiers, you know that these guys aren´t stormtroopers?
On the other hand did you really want to kill a demom with a rifle? Did you already seen one of these things? they have CR19!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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