All of you who say evil things about Bush should be investigated in my opinion. All of you who don't agree with him on his policies, that's a different story. The spineless coward who said that Bush needs to be hanged in another thread that I read, he should be locked up for along time unless he already has. Bush is your President if you live in America, until he's out of office he's your President. Bush has made good and bad decisions, but dont we all?
"Bush has made good and bad decisions, but dont we all?"
When's the last time you carelessly stopped paying attention and three thousand people died?
When's the last time you started a project without researching into it fully and without garnering support for it and thousands more people died?
A pres. is as good as his appointees.
Turdblossom, you know, what's-his-name...
This president is a cheerleader, not a leader. This president is a deserter, not a commander-in-chief. The psychopathology of this president is distressing, to say the least.
It is one thing to be merely incompetent, but the mistakes made by an incompetent belligerent maniac add up to...crimes against humanity...?
I will be happy to see him spend the rest of his miserable life in Gitmo.
So you WANT a theocracy?
Look dude, I'm an international student living in America. I follow a good majority of its rules and regulations (except, predictably, the underage drinking one). I don't consider Bush my superior in any way, simply because I am not a US citizen and did not vote him into office.
On the other hand, I go back to my home country and continue criticizing my own government, I'll be thrown into jail. This retroactive oppression has only sown dissent, to the point where 30000 people gathered this month in protest agains the government. (see: Malaysia)
So don't tell me about wanting a theocracy, motherfucker.
GWB as president: it might be a salutary thing to look carefully and closely at the things done in office by this president, and the government and events he has presided over.
History will judge all of this, of course. And for my money it will be a harsh judgement.
Apart from an unjust and probably illegal war, the dollar is in freefall. Oil people are talking aloud of linking to the Euro. It this happens, the bottom will fall out of the American economy.
Question: Who got America into such a state that the dollar could be abandoned?
If you put your mind to it, you could ask a lot of other questions like that. (Hint: Where's Usama bin Laden? Why hasn't he been captured? Why is America in Iraq....) You can do it. Come on!
The answer I would really like to know is where is the president's (any president!) accountability demanded? Who ask him/her to explain the messes and takes him/her to task for incompetence?
Bush has made good and bad decisions, but dont we all?
Yes, but my bad decisions don't cost thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, do they?
As a non-american, and damn proud of it, I'd say you're a disgrace to everyone with as much as a picogram of civil dignity.
As for decision-making - when I have to make a decision, I have to a) give each and every possible reason why precisely THAT decision has been made; and, b) take full responsibility for every consequence that comes from the aforementioned decision. And no, a leave of absence doesn't wave the explanation away. I've yet to hear of so much as rumors that Dubya has EVER bothered to explain the reason for his decisions.
Bush has made good and bad decisions, but dont we all?"
I sure do. Of course, mine don't cost tens of thousands of lives, you terminally moronic cunt.
He's made a good decision? Ever?
I'm sitting here thinking and thinking, and I can't think of one on a larger scale than say "flush" or "black socks with black shoes."
Just as you have the right to say all the bullshit you're saying, a person who thinks Bush needs to be jailed/hanged/impeached has the right to say what they want.
Freedom of speech. Read about it.
All of us have made bad decisions. However, 99.999999999% of us are not the leader of the United States of America.
Freedom of Speech. Evil things for an evil man.
Dubya's "bad decisions" have gotten thousands of people killed, and has the country in an ILLEGAL WAR. His bad decisions have utterly destroyed the economic surplus. His bad decisions have gotten him and his rich friends yet more money that should be taxed lining their pockets.
You and the retard-king you worship should both be thrown in a lake.
GWB is one of the reasons I'm glad to NOT live in the USA. No offense meant to Americans, but America is no longer the "home of the brave, land of the free" it might once have been.
The news from America tell more of a land where people are afraid that terrorists will suicide-bomb their SUV's, and are willing to give up their liberties so they can feel safer.
GWB has done much to instill such fear in the hearts of the American people.
Krakra Pernishki : I've yet to hear of so much as rumors that Dubya has EVER bothered to explain the reason for his decisions.
I've heard his explanation once or twice:
"I'm the President and I can do what I wants!"
...and reportedly, in reference to the US Constitution: "It's just a goddamn piece of paper."
[According to the source, which was not exactly neutral, this was uttered in a White House staff meeting.]
I really want to find a post on his feelings on Bill Clinton so I can call him a legitimate hypocrite.
I think I can make an edumacated guess on it, however, which is more than this little lapdog could ever hope for.
There are many names for that system. One is dietic monarchy (very popular here in Europe a few hundred years ago), another is the more modern dictatorship.
In a democracy, the President serves YOU.
I don't follow complex issues, and I don't vote. That way, I can complain that the system doesn't represent me. Then, when everything goes down the tubes, I can say the system doesn't work, and further justify my lack of participation.
It's an ingenious, self-fulfilling plan.
Clinton is your President if you live in America, until he's out of office he's your President. Clinton has made good and bad decisions, but dont we all?
just a different viewpoint
@solomongrundy what does the sentence you quoted has anything to do with "USA the land of free" O_o, i'd say its thanks to that freedom that he got elected.... =O does that mean freedom should be taken away by other people =O?
anyway dont get what a post like that do on a website like that....:O
“All of you who say evil things about Bush should be investigated in my opinion.”
You don’t like the first amendment?
Then fuck off.
Call the FBI, g’head.
“All of you who don't agree with him on his policies, that's a different story.”
His policy to lie about weapons so we’d invade a country that had NOT attacked us?
I really think everyone dead in Iraq is Bush’s fault.
"The spineless coward who said that Bush needs to be hanged in another thread that I read, he should be locked up for along time unless he already has.”
If he stated he was going to shoot his way into the White House and hang him, that would be a concern for the Secret SErvice. Saying he SHOULD be hanged, sorry, that’s covered.
“Bush is your President if you live in America,”
Really wonder how numbnuts here responded to Obama being criticized…
“until he's out of office he's your President.”
Who swore to defend the constitution, which includes the 1st Amendment, which allows me to say he’s committed war crimes.
“Bush has made good and bad decisions, but dont we all?”
I haven’t sent kids to die in a country just for my daddy’s honor’s sake, though.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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