I wanted to post something here, but didn't really want to resurrect an old thread. I see, however, that someone else has beaten me to it. Jlbnjab, I hope you're ready.
I think that all of you fools who are discounting those who claim to predict the future such as Nostrodomus. You may need to do some more research.
This is the first and only time I will mention this, but your grammar skills are atrocious. If you are trying to make a point (and why would you be posting otherwise?), it is really beneficial to your cause if you can form complete and coherent sentences.
Now, to address your actual point: Nostradamus is/was a fraud. Many "prophecies" attributed to him throughout the ages have been debunked repeatedly. Those that appear to have come true only look that way because prophecies are rarely specific. Basically, someone makes a vague prophecy about a plausible event occurring at some unspecified point in the future, and people attempt to fit the pieces together in order to fit the conclusion they have already reached.
I am not saying that he is right or wrong, what I am saying is that the Bible was written by men who God directed to write it. It has been written and rewritten, translated, and whatever else. It has lost context, meaning, and has had opinions intertwined into it. The only version of the Bible that could possibly be 100% true and accurate it the very first origional.
I'm glad we can agree here.
It is sad that many of you believe something printed by the government and may have been corrupted by the government as well as individuals.
Your comparison is unfounded, particularly since the documents on which our country is based have not gone through extensive translation processes. In fact, if we are to go with your argument regarding the Bible, then we should rely on our governmental documents, since the originals of those still exist!
God has often sent profits and others to tell his word, spread his word and help his people, yet you only believe the bible can do that. How many times does the Bible talk of God or Jesus sending someone to spread, teach or inform others of his word, ways, and wishes.
Actually, I'd bet that most people here don't believe the Bible can do much of anything. It is not an authority for morals, and it is most certainly not a soothsaying tome.
Maybe you all should realize that the Bible may not be 100% accurate due to man's tampering and that God may now need the help of a profit.
Of course God needs the help of a profit. Why do you think churches are always asking for money?
In all seriousness, though, why would God have allowed his most Holy Word to be so horribly distorted? Surely He, in all His Infinite Wisdom, would have foreseen the problems arising from the multiple translations of his bestseller? Furthermore, why would he enlist the help of a guy who specializes in making vague predictions of the future? I'm certain that there would be an easier, and much more believable, method to get his point across.
Maybe that man is Nostrodumus and maybe it is not.
I can assure you, it is not.
But, never be so quick to judge and remember that his last prediction that the word would end between 1994 and 2012 was based on more science than proficies.
Do tell. I can't help wondering what sort of amazing science he used to figure that one out.
do your research on the myan and aztec cultures. many believed that it would end due to the fact that the universe is lining up for the first time if thousands of years, since the dawn of creation.
The Mayan calendar ends in December of 2012, yes. However, that really has nothing to do with eschatology. What it means is that, for them, their system starts over. Interpret that how you will, but I for one look forward to an awesome New Year's party to ring in 2013.
And with the lining of the planets the gravitational pull may be astronomical and the star predicted in revelations, that is not suppose to hit for hundreds of years more, may get pulled in a little earlier than we thought.
A great star called Wormwood, right? Funnily enough, I remember hearing that "Chernobyl," the site of that horrible Russian nuclear disaster, translates into "wormwood."
This, of course, doesn't mean anything. In any case, the only star that is anywhere close to us is our sun. We are in no danger of a star suddenly falling onto our planet.
Research before you run your mouth. It always helps. When you have done your research let me know and then you may be able to make a case.
All right, your turn.