Rev. Steven Andrew #fundie
Mike Huckabee is the number one presidential candidate for traditional marriage according to Rev. Steven Andrew, who leads USA Christian Church. He said, "Voters want to know the truth about the candidates. Analysis proves Huckabee is the presidential champion for marriage of one man and one woman only."
"The USA having Biblical marriage only is important because the Bible teaches God judges those opposing Him; no one wants to see God's great destruction of the USA. Voting for Huckabee is saying, 'God heal our land'," said the pastor. "With God's blessings, our lives and nation will prosper again.'"
The pastor gave five reasons why Huckabee deserves people's vote:
Huckabee holds firm that same-sex marriage is not law because the Constitution says Congress makes laws not the Supreme Court.
Ted Cruz said traditional marriage was not a priority; Last week Cruz was discovered fundraising with gay businessmen. Cruz is a hypocrite.
Ben Carson has more than a 15 year boardroom record of supporting gays at Costco and Kellogg, according to Reuters. God knows that Carson doesn't always follow Him. Sadly, Christians could be persecuted and harmed by Carson's compromise.
Even worse Christians could be jailed with Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden. The reason is they think same-sex marriage is law. They don't follow the Constitution and are disloyal to our founding fathers and the 75% Christian majority.
We know the founders made homosexual sin illegal so God would bless the USA. They would agree with Huckabee and no one else.
"Voting Huckabee for president means God won't remove the USA in judgment for our sins. We know the Bible says God judges gay societies and none remain (2 Peter 2:6, Jude 7, Leviticus 18:25)," the ministry leader said. He hopes voters send Huckabee to the White House.