@Orange Wizard
"insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results."
Ah, so every time a very 'sane'* Jehovah's Witless knocks on someone's door, and either gets a polite 'No thank You', a (justifiably) violently spittle-flecked & extremely loud 'FUCK OFF AND DIE!' or a massive negative response (i.e. three possibilities: 1- they're not in; 2- they are in, but are hiding behind the sofa**; Or 3- they are in, but not giving a flying fuck about you or your unjustifiable cult), said 'sane'* Jehovah's Witless then carefully notes down the address of the door they've knocked on. Which is later entered into a central database of addresses, used by 'sane'* Jehovah's Witlesses worldwide as a list of homes never to be approached again in perpetuity, amirite? Because it wouldn't be sensible, nay, the act of a sane person, doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result every time, would it not?
Apparently, the phrase 'Get the hint' is an alien concept to Jehovah's Witlesses.
Speaking as someone who has been the recipient of multiple, nay, repeated visits - doing the same thing over and over; expecting a different result - from apparently 'insane'* Jehovah's Witlesses (every single time, unjustifiably interrupting what I was doing at that point in time), a question: What colour is the sky in your dimension, Orange Wizard?
Meanwhile, on Planet Reality, if Einstein were alive today, I suspect he would be making you eat your own words, OW. As with every other kind*** of fundie that exists, hypocrisy is hardwired into the DNA of Jehovah's Witlesses.
Never mind the notion of an 'Ark' and a global 'Flood (although it is relevant to the point), considering this quote:
And Karana's comment (to say nothing of everyone else's in that thread), also taking into account your own Bible literalism, re. Noah's Ark, just one question:
As ImOnStandby (a member of the forum Ruptured Retards) says in the above quote, "the Bible is completely 100% accurate in everything it speaks about, including history. it's absoluely a history book."
Is he 100% right, or 100% wrong?
Think carefully before answering, OW.
...oh and no dodging the issue, via your own repeated use of 'You're just repeating yourself', neither. Saying the same thing over and over, but expecting different results, i.e. claim that we are conceding the point via your avoiding the question and swerving around the issue. The more you're in that river in Egypt about your claim that what the Bible says about Noah's Ark is 'historical fact', the more you paint yourself further into that corner of your own logical FAIL. Remember:
No evidencee, no acceptee. That's the Atheist way. That's how science works, y'see. It's how the modern world around us works, nay, came to be, via something called the Scientific Method. Even that computer you're using right now, OW. Wasn't anyone religious that developed it, but one Alan Turing. A homosexual. An Atheist.****
Insecure in your own beliefs much, OW, that you have to be a Bible apologetic? ('God' must have thinner skins than we mortals then, if his own 'Word' can't take a little critical reality-based scrutiny - or even have to rely on the likes of you to stick up for him!). Isn't your so-called 'faith' sufficient? You 'believe' it, and it is so.
But only in your mind.
'Noah's Ark'# real? Everything in the Bible is fact? Just keep telling yourselves that, Jehovah's Witlesses.
Otherwise, someone would have built an exact replica of one before now, would they not? To prove the veracity of the Bible. Two words: Thor Heyerdahl. Oh, but apparently the likes of messrs. Menton, Snelling and Purdom are:
But not exactly a working museum exhibit, I notice. As in actually ocean-going. I bet that 'Ark's hull will never see water, never mind attempt floating on such.
Which brings me to my original point. One word: Rochambeau+.
Your call, OW.
*- [/hyper-sarcasm]
**- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Jelical
*** See what I did there?! ;)
****- Even it's operating system (conceived by Turing): PCs - Windows, Bill Gates: Atheist; Linux - Linus Torvalds: Atheist. Mac - OSX, Steve Jobs: Atheist.
#- According to this fundie: http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=80598&Page=3 - and what fellow commenter Lotus-thing says, 'Gene Roddenberry is God'. Your thoughts on Itsmellslikefish's quote, OW? Especially taking into account what Capt. Kirk asks God in the film "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier". As I similarly have a question of 'God': If he could just 'poof' into existence a universe, world & animal life on it (but he couldn't do the same with Adam & Eve?!), why the need for a so-called 'global Flood' in the first place? Why couldn't he have simply poofed all the 'sinful' & 'unrighteous' people in the world out of existence? If he were as 'omnipotent' as you fundies claim, he could have done so; all things are possible for him, are they not? But for 'God', some things are more possible than others, it seems.
+- If you want to fuck the Rochambeau OW, you'll be disappointed, re. this particular paraphilia of yours: It was scrapped in 1874.
Looking at the above link, I notice there's absolutely no mention of a so-called 'Ark'. I wonder why...? >:D
...oh, please forgive me, OW, it is mentioned in that Wiki entry:
With emphasis on Unconfirmed or Mythological. Unless of course, you'd like to edit said entry yourself. Oh yes, that's right. Even claiming 'The Bible says so' isn't a credible citation. The phrase (especially in Wikipedia) '[citation needed]' exists for a reason. As in extra-Biblical evidence. Archaeological artifacts. Facts.
Are "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" and the "Back to the Future" trilogy non-fiction/documentaries respectively? The phrase 'Don't believe everything you read' exists for a reason too.