My belief is that the world is round and does have four corners in some way.
I believe that the world has many, many corners. My desk has at least 20 with all the surfaces and supports counted, and my desk is part of the world, isn't it?
If the Earth were a circle, it would have an infinite number of corners.
However, seeing as it's a sphere, you fail.
Why do people try to do this stuff?
The "four corners of the earth" in the Bible just mean the four cardinal directions! The phrase is from a vision (Revelation) anyway, it's not meant to be taken literally!
Well this just goes against all accepted forms of logic.
Shouldn't your small intestine have reached up to throttle your brain alread? Oh I see the problem, it was unable to find the brain right?
My two year old daughter has one of those toys, one of those boxes, with a top on it that has four different shapes cut out of it, and you have to put blocks into the box in the right hole depending on it's shape. If a two year old can grasp the concept that something circular absolutely cannot have four corners, and this person can't, then only two things are possible: 1. This person is not old enough to be using a computer, or 2. This is the absolute dumbest person in the world. This is not advanced physics or advanced biology we're talking about. It's elementary shapes. Are fundies really this stupid. I'm almost really concerned for this person. Depending on his age, he could be homeschooling age, and have been indoctrinated. Or he's an adult, in which case I hope he likes his job at McDonald's and his studio apartment, because life isn't going to get any better for him.
“My belief is that the world is round and does have four corners in some way.”
In some way?
That’s not a belief. That’s a yes-man nodding when the boss says ANYTHING. Your cult says you cannot argue with the Word, even to ask, ‘what does that mean?’
What’ll you do if the only question for ewntry into Paradise is, “Explain the four-corners aspect of the World you were on?”
This isn’t faith, it’s fear of failing. ALl those cultists swearing ‘covefe’ meant something.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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