sharaleigh23 #fundie
I find it insulting to be called alt-right simply because I like what Trump is doing for this country. IMO alt-right are the KKK and extreme crazy people.
I'd like to know what it is that Trump is doing that is so objectionable? Same with Bannon?
You can bet any candidate we get that wants to clean out the lobbyists and corruption will be smeared like Roy was by our own party. Roy's only serious accuser admitted she forged the yearbook. Yes, he went out with young women 40 years ago or did a lot of men. And since that time, he has been married and faithful, a good husband and father. And he would have voted for things we need. We could have found a better candidate, but Alabamians chose Moore to run against Jones. So Bannon worked with what he had. If it had been Mo Brooks, he would have worked with him too.
So please tell me, what is it that Trump is doing that our own republicans are so angry about? Same with Bannon? What in his agenda is objectionable to Establishment republicans? I don't get it?