Jesus does exist in history. He is not fictional. Ask a historist, if he says No. Sue him for failing history.
Gott Mit Uns
How's that for history?
Well, you can sue historians as much as you want, but it won´t alter the fact that there is not a single historical document that mentions Jesus during his lifetime.
Even the gospels were all written after the death of Jesus and none of them by people who knew Jesus personally ;)
I often see the claim of historical evidence, from fundies, moderate Christians and atheists alike.
I'm not categorically denying that such evidence exist, but I have yet to see any. Is there anyone here who knows if there is any documentation outside of the Bible?
Any record of his execution? Any first-hand reviews of his sermons? Anything like that?
I'm curious, because I've really heard people claim both that such things exist and that they don't so many times. But I haven't seen any evidence for the existence yet.
@Zabimaru -- That's because, outside of the Bible, there *isn't* any evidence of Jesus' existence. (The Josephus thing is a proven forgery, BTW.)
Sue him for failing history.
No, sue him for failing historism. Let's at least keep our nonsense consistent.
Ridiculously phrased, but not fundy. Anyone who says that an historical Jesus never existed just isn't well-versed in history. There's just as much evidence that he existed as their is for Socrates existing.
Whether he danced on water and got everyone drunk with it is another issue entirely...
Oh yeah, in fact any good historian would consider traits like these as unquestionably historic:
Walking on water
Making fish appear out of nothing
Turning water into wine
Virgin births (I hear they were quite popular back then)
coming back to life after being dead for almost 3 days
Yeah, so I guess I will sue them.
No I won't
Look at this: He's got Mythology, mixed with Earth Sciences (in in fact that's what the histori do )and topped off with the legal system
That's a long way to go to be not all there.
It's an unanswerable question.
It's like asking in 2000 years time, did a Dave the Plumber exist in NYC, circa 2009?
Well of course he did. There are likely hundreds. So I ask for more details to narrow it down. But when those details are ridiculous mythology like "He walked on water", it doesn't help.
Nowadays we could ask for a photo or SS number to identify an actual specific individual, but that doesn't help much for Jesus.
evidence plz.
Your ignorance of history makes me facepalm (yes, I know that there's some debate as to the existence of Jesus as a historical figure, myths about his divinity notwithstanding, but that's the whole point, isn't it? It's far from a proven fact). Your confusion about the legal system makes me roll my eyes. Your butchering of the English language makes me snicker. What appears to be some attempt at a German phrase in your name makes me scratch my head and wonder if you're actually trying to speak German, because if so, you obviously a bilingual fundie; you suck at two languages.
A historist?
You must be joking. Is there such a word in the language? I think not. There is no such word. And there is no totally unambiguous proof that Jesus ever existed.
Besides, even if he did, you fundies would still do as you want - twisting and sidtorting scriptures that are mistranslated and then cherry-picked so that you use only what suits your prejudices, rather than taking the whole lot and balancing out all the contradictions and verses that at present don' suit your needs.
Now bog off!
"The Incredible Shrinking Son Of Man-How reliable are the Gospel traditions?"
Author is Robert M Price. Read it, then get back to me. Be warned, though, there aren't any pictures, so you might not be able to stick to it, ichabencow.
Well, I'd love to, sadly though, there are none in my area, my area being the world. So if you do manage to come across him, send him to me and I shall ask...D'you think the suing would be out of my jurisdiction?
Ask a historist hysterical person if jebus is real.
Sue him for failing history? Dang, I failed ceramics in a junior college art class, and got an F in P.E. one semester in high school, I hope ichabodcrane isn't coming to sue me...
Actually, while they weren't written down at the time, the Jewish Talmud does mention Jesus. It's roughly contemporary with the Gospels, but was written by people who had plenty of reason to criticize Jesus and Christianity. Not proof, but solid evidence.
“Jesus does exist in history.”
Not really. ‘Historists’ tend to dismiss evidence that’s anonymous, for unknown purposes. Nothing in, say, Matthew says Matthew is the author. That’s been tacked on later to pretend there were eyewitnesses to Christ and we have their testimony.
"He is not fictional.”
He certainly reads as a fictional character.
Jesus: I’m going to (miracle).
All the disciples: No way!
Jesus: Way.
Everyone: No WAY!
Everyone: Holy Christ he’s the Christ!
Jesus: Toldja.
AND THEN THEY DO IT AGAIN! At the next miracle.Exactly the same.
"Ask a historist, if he says No. Sue him for failing history.”
Um, to do that i’d need a historical account to prove he’s wrong.
A historian? Some say that it's possible that the influential man existed. It doesn't mean that every saying and story attributed to him a generation and more later was true. There's evidence of human tradition formation. No evidence that miracles are possible, only stories of such. Also evidence of opportunism, like sacred tourism...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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