Anna Diehl #fundie
As Christians, we should find it very sad that so many cultures squandered their God given time and talents in pursuing demons. Yet when we read through the Bible, we learn that there really is nothing new under the sun. People have always been carving ugly idols for themselves, building magnificent temples and tombs, sacrificing their children, and mutilating their bodies as a means of appeasing their fictitious gods. They’ve always worshiped celestial objects, tried to use drugs to connect with the other realm, and played around with curses, spells, and divination. They’ve always embraced superstitious beliefs about the afterlife. They’ve always clung to the belief that someway, somehow, it was possible for mortals to morph into deities who other people would then have to worship. The whole thing is just a tragic waste of time. Instead of embracing soul-saving truth, these people just wasted their years on earth and ended up in Hell. Today, we foolishly ooh and ah over these monuments to spiritual darkness that have been left behind. People think that by studying some leftover idol or shrine to idols, they will learn something useful. Yet all we really learn is that there are a million ways people spin off course once they reject the illumination of the Holy Spirit. God loves every soul He creates and He wanted ancient peoples to come to Him just as much as He wants to save all souls today. But God has always given us the option of rejecting His truth, and as things like the pyramids and the lines of Nazca remind us, most people have taken that option.