Since salvation is by an act of God, the raising to life those dead in sin, then it is not a requirement that sinners are persuaded of the truth of the gospel by the arguments we present.
Equally, the Resurrection could be described as a stumbling block, for how can a dead man rise from the dead? Are you therefore going to omit the resurrection because it is a stumbling block to belief?
Evolution is not 'the best fit for the facts', for it fits none of the facts of science. We do not see any malleability of life at the highest level, all we see is minor changes. There has been an experiment under way since February 1988 to measure Evolution in the E. coli bacteria. Although they claim to have to have seen Evolution in reality there has been none. The E. coli remain E. coli.
We are called to proclaim the whole council of God, not just those things that seem reasonable to our hearers.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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