4.) scientists believe that we evolved from rocks!!
No. Creationists, on the other hand, believe we evolved from dirt.
now don't try 2 tell me otherwise because if not, then where do monkies come from?
i've already heard this debate. scientists believe that they came from various sea creatures, but where did they come from as well as the water? "well, it rained on the earth for billions of years" (is that not correct according 2 evolution's theory?)
Scientists claim no such thing. What they say is that the earliest mammals evolved from an amphibious / reptilian creature that originated in the water, and adapted to dry land.
Water mostly comes from the water vapor that was erupted from early volcanoes and eventually condensed as the Earth began to cool. That has absolutely nil to do with evolution.
great now what about the fish? "well it rained on the rocks 4 so long that they became liquified and...." oops. it makes no sense!!
No, no it doesn't.
5.) proven fact (scientist have also proven it): LIFE CAN NOT COME FROM NON-LIFE!! in other words: u can't get life from something that is not alive. and last i checked rocks r not alive!!
Finally, the crux of the argument. If you're suggesting that scientists are suggesting that abiogenesis (which, again, has zero to do with evolution) consists of two rocks with the hots for each other, or that anything you have just spouted has been "proven" in any way, shape or form, then you're either sadly mistaken or painfully stupid. I'm going to go with the latter.
it just keeps going!!...
I'll bet it does.