DEUTSCH: "Let's wipe Israel off the earth." I mean, what, no Jews?
COULTER: No, we think -- we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say.
DEUTSCH: Wow, you didn't really say that, did you?
COULTER: Yes. That is what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. You have to obey laws. We know we're all sinners --
I hate to defend her, but she didn't really say anything that far out. That's pretty much what Christianity teaches, that Jesus was the promised Messiah to redeem (and one might say "perfect") the Jews (and Gentiles later). Her greatest mistake was being honest that she thinks she's right and they're missing out.
Considering much of the stuff she's said, this should hardly register on the Coulter scale. Closed-minded and stupid, definitely, but not near the offense as some have tried to portray it.
Media Matters has put the full transcript online, video included.
@Ex-Fundie: of course they believe that they're right, that's the whole point of making decisions like "what do I believe in?". Humans are basically incapable of making "wrong" decisions because even if it turns out to be a mistake, at that moment it seemed like a good idea. Even if you're thinking of doing something completely absurd to counter this argument right now, that action would be based on this intention and your belief that it was necessary. It's rather trivial, really.
The problem with fundies like Coulter* is that they automatically fall into a black-and-white thought pattern: "if I'm right, then everyone who disagrees with me must be wrong". They regard concepts like "maybe they're right, too, but in a different way" as some kind of weakness, which is why more sane people laugh at them.
* Assuming that she isn't the most convincing poe the world has ever seen.
fundies like Coulter
I doubt it. She claimed to belong to a mainstream church in New York but no one there could recall ever seeing her there.
Her "Christianity" is about as deep as her skirts are long. It's a show put on to sell books and get her name mentioned more often.
The anti-Semitism here is not so much a hatred of Jews as it is a condescending assumption of superiority over them. It's not a hateful prejudice, but it's still a prejudice, and a negative one. And whether she personally believes it or is merely spouting nonsense that stokes prejudices like this in others, Coulter deserves to be held accountable for what she says.
The thing I can't understand is why this comment is getting so much attention, yet her book dealing with such matters as evolution -- the treatment of which was just a nightmarish collection of lies, strawmen, innuendo, and more lies -- got very little critical treatment in the media. Those were scientific facts that she was deliberately screwing with, easily pointed out as wrong from beginning to end, yet people go after her more over this kind of thing (which, as others have already pointed out, is technically an accurate point of Christian belief) than when she's "just" lying. I don't get it.
~David D.G.
Ah, the Coultergeist again. Whom even Fox News describes as a "slash and burn columnist".
Er, wouldn't the best thing to be simply not to buy any of her books? Deny her the oxygen of publicity? That, surely, would be a lethal blow to someone who took Warren Beatty's description of Madonna as "someone who doesn't live off camera" and gave it several extra dimensions of media whoredom.
"Her comments and observations are good only for their giggle value. Why does anyone get upset by her?"
I disagree on this one because I've heard Jews For Jesus say similar crap. This is fundie and as someone who used to have run ins with that said group, I can say I was pretty damn offended when she said this, and she doesn't usually get under my skin.
Well, hell, why stop there? Why not just kill everyone, and let God sort them out?
Monster, ghoul, cow, bitch, I could go on for days...
Eh, Jews....Christians.....all just delusional dipshits. Though I have to admit, she's onto something.
We all have to obey laws. Sadly, the Laws of Nature were violated when MAnn Coulter came into existence. Crimes against Nature still hold up in court, right?
She's really just like most of Foxs people. Would never make it in the real marketplace of truth,ethics and talent but can get rich pandering to the far-right bullshit agenda.
She's walked out on several discussions because they (get this) disagreed with her. Now thats Professional.
And to this particular comment, yes, I can see Jews being really pissed at any member of a Pseudo-Jewish religion having the arrogance to suggest the Christian rewrites are the correct versions
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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