"but how can you see a new born baby and not question for a moment where that baby came from? that is what I don't get about your beliefs. something so innocent and pure has to come from a place that is nothing but innocent and pure. and if you are a parent how can you look into your child's new born eyes and still think that there is no God? you may call this annoying but I call this ignorance on your part. sorry if this offends you but this is just how I feel."
Someone obviously hasn't had 'The Talk'. Well, I understand that you don't believe in the science of biology, and you think you were put on your mummy & daddy's doorstep by the angels and all, and I respect you for that.
Okay, the down & dirty version: your dad had the hots for your mum, who in turn wanted some of his hot, hard tubesteak, so he fucked her senseless and came in her; nine months later, she spawned you. Because...
You see, when a man is in a state known as "awake", he wants really badly to have at least one female pleasuring his cock. This is quite natural and not something to be ashamed of.
And when a man sees a female who is particularly attractive, every function of his brain shuts down except for the part that controls the cock, the heart, the lungs and the hands (known as the happyjoy system). Then, if the female is drunk enough, she'll let the man disappoint her. This is called "sex", and it is one of the most beautiful and natural things that money can buy.
And that's where abortions come from. Any questions?
You may call this annoying, but I call this ignorance on your part. Sorry if this offends you (not) but this is just how I feel.
About you fundies and your 'faith'-based stupidity.