@Doubting Thomas
For one thing, we will continue to have thoughts even after death after our brain ceases any activity at all
"Prove it."
'Logic cannot be material because it is not extended in space; you cannot see, hear, taste, touch, or smell logic. It’s not physical.'
Does Jase LIEsle realise here that, logically, the fact he's just annihilated his own argument is the least of his problems? Because according his own logic, as the 'Soul' isn't material as it is not extended in space, it cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched or smelled. And it is via this concept that one's thoughts - our personality matrix, memories, experiences etc; what makes us us - 'continue after death into a supposed Afterlife' as all fundies claim, thus he's contradicted himself, therefore the 'Soul' & an 'Afterlife' are as material as 'Logic', ergo the fundies' God doesn't exist, and his whole system of 'beliefs' are obliterated.
Jase had better not be a KJV-onlyist if he knows what's good for him, Doubting Thomas. Because to further reinforce what you say, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 of the KJV says - and of course, the Bible is the literal 'Word of God' - with no 'Reinterpretation', 'Eisogesising', 'Context' etc allowed; if it says it that way, it MEANS it that way, to be obeyed word-for-word, letter-for-letter: 'Prove ALL Things'.
If Jase LIEsle can't prove the existence of the 'Soul', empirically, and to OUR satisfaction (Peer Reviewed and all) then he's set up & armed a huge argumental & logical Claymore mine array, and is about to walk into such himself...!
After all: is a God who supposedly 'Exists' and is supposedly 'Omnipotent' enough to be able to show himself in physical form (no, not 'Jesus', he's not allowed) to prove his existence to the satisfaction of we Atheists, but can't, yet a Rainbow which doesn't physically exist but can be seen, logical? Like Logic, a rainbow isn't material.
Rainbow = Logic. Yet a rainbow can be perceived from a non-Christian 'perspective', and is not only easy to show, but also replicate and explain (Sunlight refracted through tiny droplets of rain suspended in the air just after a rain shower). Not even God could adequately explain this phenomenon in the Bible.
The first structures that had lightning conductors, which rendered the previously 'Christian Perspective' of 'God's Wrath' utterly impotent, were churches after all. An early gap filled, and by Christians no less (But then, even placing such on churches certainly renders 'Faith' impotent too). Not seeing Lightning explained in the Bible. Nor Rainbows. Thus a question, Jase: what was Lightning from a 'Christian Perspective', centuries ago? Today, even? No explanation for Rainbows in the Bible. Thus your 'God' isn't 'Omniscient'. Is that Logical?
So ultimately - and subconsciously, no less - thank you for admitting that your 'God' is like Logic: Nonexistent.
The thought-controlled systems in the fictional MiG-31 in the 1982 Clint Eastwood film (of the 1977 Craig Thomas novel) "Firefox". The voice-controlled systems in the Eurofighter Typhoon. Current R&D in neurally-controlled devices, especially for disabled people. No doubt funding coming from the UK's Ministry of Defence/US's DoD. The military applications of such cybernetic systems: UCAVs/Drone aircraft/vehicles. Exoframes. Mecha...?! Y'see, as per "Firefox" - and how even Stealth hadn't entered popular culture in 1977; only a few years before, re. the DoD/Lockheed Skunk Works, and that 'F-19' model kit several years after said Clint Eastwood film, thus Craig Thomas had a good idea of stealth beforehand - that's the problem with Science Fiction: it has a rather nasty habit of becoming science fact.
Science - Logic - in action. Proved.