[I think that the rationale that many anti-evolutionists have is that they believe life has a purpose and they believe that complex life developing out of aggregating compounds means that life has no purpose.]
See, I'm annoyed because you think creationists believe what they believe because of emotion. It blows my mind that you really can't conceive that there might be scientific reasons for postulating a creator. Don't you ever look at nature for yourself? Who taught you that you're not allowed to think for yourself?
[And in addition, i get into this argument mainly because i'm concerned about what students learn in school and because i absolutely hate it when American political strategists use Christian ideas or beliefs to rile up voters, which is exactly the purpose of the "wedge strategy." It is abhorrent.]
Yeah, I know. you want power, you want to be able to tell my kids what they should learn in school. Buzz off. Mind your own business. But you make one of my points - evolution is a leftist political thing. It could never survive without forced indoctrination of little skulls filled with mush.
@I usurped god.
Go to google maps and find maps over USA with education level, income, political orientation and religion and overlay them. Now, tell me exactly what it is you are seeing.
"evolution is a leftist political thing"
Let me guess, never took a graduate biology course.
Better yet, failed high school biology.
"It blows my mind that you really can't conceive that there might be scientific reasons for postulating a creator."
It blows my mind that you haven't suffocated with your head buried up your own ass, like that.
"Don't you ever look at nature for yourself?"
Yes. But I haven't been brainwashed to think "Boeing 747" when I see tree leaves.
"Who taught you that you're not allowed to think for yourself?"
No one. But...how exactly is the proposal to teach children that "undetermined force X tossed animals into existence in their present state, as evidenced by our complete inability to understand how complexity could arise gradually without such a force's presence)" working along the lines of "thinking for yourself"? How about we tell the kids the best supported theories, and they can contemplate creationism on their own time, like they must do for every other unsupported conspiracy theory or pseudoscientific conceit.
"It could never survive without forced indoctrination of little skulls filled with mush."
The irony has immolated me.
And I'm sure in another post Markoh would also tell us how Nazism, a generally "right-wing political thing" was based on Darwinism...
Or how about those Robber Barons of the Gilded Age? "Social Darwinism" and all that to justify their rapacious capitalism? (although Markoh has probably never heard of Carnegie, Vanderbilt, or Morgan, or really any historical figure that isn't regularly lionized or demonized by the Christian Right)
To be frank, Religion IS forced indoctrination filling skulls with mush.
There is nothing political in any field of science, and religion is afraid of facts.
Methodology of SCIENCE:
1: Start
2: Get an idea
3: Perform experiment
4: Does evidence support idea? IF NO“ THEN 2 ELSE 5
5: Theory created
6: Apply theory to better understand
7: Discover new evidence
8: Can theory be modified to explain new evidence? IF NO“ THEN 2 ELSE 9
9: Improve theory THEN 6
Methodology of EXTREME RELIGION:
1: Start
2: Get a Bible and destroy all other books
3: Ignore all contradicting evidence
4. Do different scriptures contradict? IF NO“ THEN 5 ELSE IGNORE“ THEN 5
5: Kill those who question
6. Can we convert this person? IF NO“ THEN BURN AT STAKE“ ELSE 7
7: Keep idea unmodified forever
8: End
"Yeah, I know. you want power, you want to be able to tell my kids what they should learn in school. Buzz off. Mind your own business. But you make one of my points - evolution is a leftist political thing. It could never survive without forced indoctrination of little skulls filled with mush."
That's funny, I was under the impression that's exactly what fundies have been doing with abstinence-only ed, creationism in science classes, biblical doctrine mandatory from birth, and filling impressionable heads with puritanical crap. But won't someone please think of the chilluns?!
little skulls filled with mush
A Limbaugh listener. What a surprise.
You fail at original thought.
See, I'm annoyed because you think creationists believe what they believe because of emotion.
But don't you? The thing that all but verifies that it's based on feeling and emotion for you is the fact that you took personally - and then reacted to - the things that your opponent was saying, despite the fact that they were general statements not personally directed at you.
i absolutely hate it when American political strategists use Christian ideas or beliefs to rile up voters, which is exactly the purpose of the "wedge strategy."
I don't understand how these voters aren't bothered by the fact that their personal beliefs are essentially being exploited for somebody else's short-term gains. Like, if I were they, I'd try to have more respect for my personal beliefs than that. Keep the pearls from the swine, as it were.
I think cretinists believe what they believe because of indoctrination, or wanting to indoctrinate others.
I can't conceive of a scientific reason for postulating a creator, no. Religious reasons, yes; wanting to indoctrinate others, for example.
Nature is rather organized chaos, than intelligent design.
I was taught how to think, not what to think. To question everything, including religion.
Public school is intending to make productive members of society of the kids that go there. So yes, science ought to be able to tell our kids what they should learn in school. We ARE minding our own business.
Evolution is biology science, neither leftist nor rightist, not political but, again, biological.
RELIGION couldn't survive without forced indoctrination of little skulls filled with mush. Which is exactly why you want to postulate a creator and push him/her/it on the kids with the little skulls.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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