My wife were recently (2 months ago) severely chastized and hospitalized with psykosis (mental illness) just after she met Jesus Christ while breastfeeding our 4 month old son in the middle of the night. She was in rebellion, and I, trying to be 'a nice guy' didn't correct her. She is back home again now, and really submissive, doing things in the home she would leave to me,in former times. Allthough I didn-t understand what was happening when she got ill, I understand now. Praise God.
She was suffering from post-partum depression, and you saw that as a punishment from God for her failure to kiss your rancid ass?
No, you fucking nutter; mental illness is not a "chastizement" (sic) from God. Taking advantage of her fears makes you a complete asshole, and there's a special place on hell for you.
So let me try to sort out these prepositions:
1. Your wife met Jesus Christ.
2. Your wife was breastfeeding your son in the middle of the night when she was simultaneously chastised and hospitalized for psychosis.
3. She rebelled against ... being psychotic.
4. You didn't correct her
5. She returned home.
6. She is now your so-called helpmeet.
Well, I never liked calling religion a mental illness, but I guess that's what this guy is saying.
Although he also might be saying that being non-submissive is a mental illness...
Breastfeeding in the middle of the night is a mental illness...
Actually, I'm not sure what's going on here.
This is just jibberish.
I believe it's called postnatal depression, and you, not being able to understand it dismissed it as "rebellion".
Fuck you and die in a fire, you uncompassionate, arrogant piece of shit. If I lived with you I think I'd lose it too.
I'm really unsure about what you're trying to say.
But you shouldn't be happy your wife is mentally ill, so go die in corner. Please.
After all of it, his "Praise God" pisses me off the most. He actually thinks that his wife being depressed is a gift from god, that is just disgusting. If I met him, I would find a way to make him crazy, then check him into a mental ward and say "God made him crazy."
The video was yanked, along with the comments. Too bad, I would of liked to see what the hell he was commenting about.
As for the comment, if I'm reading it right.
1)He believes that "not correcting" his wife made her go "psykotic"
2)she was hospitalized, and is now back home
3)she is so terrified of going back to the hospital, or so heavily medicated, that she's become his obedient slave, and he couldn't be happier.
Of course he couldn't be the reason that his wife went psychotic, could he.......
Does anyone remember Andrea Yates? Her fundie-ass husband continued to knock her up after she developed severe post-partum psychosis with their first few babies. She drowned all 5 of their kids in the bathtub thinking she was doing gods work.
I seriously hope this woman and her child survive that ass of a husband.
"My wife is psychotic, but she's quiet and submissive. Praise Jeezus! Praise his holy name!!"
Why, yes, I'd like to join your church. Show me where to sign.
What kind of web site are people dumb enough to not only be unable to spell psychosis right, but also to fail to know that it's a mental disorder so that he has to point that out to th...
Oh, it's YouTube. My bad.
"She was suffering from post-partum depression, and you saw that as a punishment from God for her failure to kiss your rancid ass?
No, you fucking nutter; mental illness is not a "chastizement" (sic) from God." -"Crazy Fundie"
Well said!
dinkadoo : You're right about Andrea Yates. She was part of the "Quiverfull Movement" which encourages its followers to have as many children as possible. But of course, it's not because they love kids or anything. They beleive that their children are just arrows in God's quiver for the war against... well, pretty much everyone but them.
So, your wife was having post partum depression, and instead of being a strong supportive husband, you chastised her?
You win the "Fucktard Husband Of the Year" award.
There, there. When the medication kicks in, you'll realize it is you, not your wife, that is mentally ill.
Wait... So she went crazy after she 'met Jesus?' And, so, after she was sent to a hospital and was released and that made her 'submissive?' Or this jack-hole stopped being a 'nice guy' and so that's why she's now submissive? That just sounds like a whole lot of messed up...
She probably had issues that involved having the baby. Hopefully she'll get whatever help she really needs...
Okay, either you beat her and are a lying ass, or this really is the result of--oh dear God--psyCHosis.
Either way, I'm not praising anything. That's fucked up.
This is sad. He obviously dosn't understand anything about what happened to his wife. Antipsychotic drugs would make a person submissive, also the psychic shock that comes from a really bad psychosis, hospitalisation etc. But instead of helping her get back to her real self, he thanks God for the transformation?
Awful. Tragic.
Postpartum depression is pretty common, and it's an illness , not "rebellion" or "disobedience". It's not something you can "correct" or "chastise" out of a person.
If she had a baby six months ago, you ought to "do things in the home", as she has a full time job caring for the infant.
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