Valandil517 #fundie
So what is the point of living if all you have worked for is for nothing? And if this is people's one and only chance to live a life, why aren't they going completely by pleasure. I mean, if I knew that it would be nothingness after I died, I would live life to the fullest. Since there is no sin orpunishment, I would not to go work, for I could get everything just by stealing. Why would I want to waste my time cleaning? I wouldn't abide by the laws, for imagine how much fun it must be to be going 100 down a highway like some of these video games. Want a girl or guy and you aren't married to them, why go ahead and do it since there is nothing bad that can come out of it. Why not go out killing people for the fun of it? Want something a friend has, why not go ahead and take it from them? Joy to the world, I'm here to live my life as I wish!