Isn't it amusing that black holes have never been observed, never confirmed experimentally and defy confirmation? When did science become based on unproven theories? One wrong theory piled on top of another and the world just gets weirder and weirder. Same with neutron stars, dark energy, dark matter and nuclear fusion.
Truth is all of these inventions were created to mathematically justify gravity as the driving force in planet and star formation. It is not.
Plasma physicists have had it right all along . Electricity is the driving force for planet, star and galaxy formation. It is 10 to the 39th times more powerful than gravity. None of the above mentioned unprovable inventions are necessary with an "electric universe" model. Their theories can be supported in the lab and their observation agree with observed data.
The world becomes explainable and understandable. Until this model is accepted by the "establishment", science will continue to be mysterious fantasy.
Brilliant! Incredible! Though, I must admit, it all went a bit over my head until you said, "...mysterious fantasy". Then, it was as if a little light switched on.
It is 10 to the 39th times more powerful than gravity
But unlike gravity, which is always attractive (as far as we know), the electrostatic force can be either attractive or repulsive. Planet-sized bodies are unlikely to have much of a net electric charge compared to gravity
an "electric universe" model
Oh dear, the electric universe model people again. Totally woowoo science.
Nothing new here folks. These crackpots have been going on about this for a long time. Pure bunk.
I read that book from cover to cover. I must say that his arguments seem to be qualitively persuasive, but they fail quantitative tests. It is the very strength of these forces that proves that they do not exist in the intensity required for the author's hypothesis. If they did, the entire Universe would be entirely different.
And, by the way, black holes HAVE been observed unambiguously.
See for yourself at this link the direct effects of a black hole, not a simulation. These phenomena have no other explanation.
"It is 10 to the 39th times more powerful than gravity"
Yes, that's it, plug yourself into a socket and fly off into space!
Isn't it amusing how little you actually know about cosmology, black holes, gravity, physics, electricity, planet, star, and galaxy formation, and science in general?
Isn't it amusing that creation has never been observed, never confirmed experimentally and defy confirmation? When did religion become based on science? One unsubstantated claim piled on top of another and religion just gets weirder and weirder. Same with creation, light before the sun, talking snakes, the flood, walking on water, resurrection, and flying up to heaven.
....have never been observed, never confirmed experimentally and defy confirmation?
Hm, just which of the thousands of Gods do you speak of here? Oops, my bad.
Take a little trip to the center of the Sun and then come back and tell us there's no such thing as nuclear fusion. After that trip try to navigate to the center of the galaxy without accounting for the gravity of the dark matter, not to mention the stars, between here and there. Then, once you reach the huge gravity well at the center of the galaxy, come back and tell us there's no such thing as a black hole. I'm a patient guy. Take a couple weeks.
The reason why science doesn't accept the electric universe model is because it doesn't reflect reality. Remember how science works--if you come up with a model that disproves black holes, neutron stars, nuclear fusion, etc., you win a Nobel Prize. Something that big in science would mean your name is going in the books as one of the most important scientists of your era.
But the reason no one has done that is because electric universe model is bullshit and thus can never be accepted as science.
How can you observe something so dense that even light can't be emitted from it?
Only "proven" things become theories, silly.
So, in what scientific journal have you published your study on Electricity and the formation of galaxies?
You not understanding something does not mean that it's not true. It just means that you're uneducated and/or stupid.
This is not only not right, it's not even wrong.
"And lead can be turned into gold, right?"
Well technically lead CAN be turned into gold (using certain nuclear reactions and particle accelerators). It's not financially feasible though.
By all means, explore that route. You do know, I hope, that when you disagree with science, the only meaningful argument is MORE SCIENCE. And since you do not, apparently, understand the science so far concerning astrophysics, your chances of producing meaningful competing theories stands at (for a rough approximation) zero point zero.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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