then by not refuting my point, we have conclusively dicided that vampires may exist, therefor noahs flood had the possibility of occuring.
But bats are birds!
I must say the sharp turn has given me a sore neck. Reminds me of this...
Milhouse: The Rand Corporation, in conjuction with the saucer people...
Bart: Thank you.
Milhouse: ...under the supervision of the reverse vampires...
Lisa: Ugh...
Milhouse: ...are FORCING our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner!
The biggest problem with your argument is that you're defeating your own purpose. As every good fundie knows, if it's not in the Bible, it doesn't exist. Therefore, since vampires aren't mentioned in the Bible, they don't exist, and can't be compared to Noah's flood. Duh.
Oh, by the way, get thee a spell check program. I promise you, it has nothing to do with witchcraft, and will actually make your drivel look slightly intelligent.
I can't believe I just said that.
Vampires may exist, and Noah's flood might have happened. That's scientifically correct.
However, you also have to realise that by the same logic, God probably doesn't exist, and there's a possibility that you're actually a trained monkey pretending to be a human for some bizarre experiment.
Of course vampires (Desmodus rotundus) exist, mainly in Central and South America. They're a pest to livestock farmers. Humans who turn into bats and suck peoples' blood and are occasionally slain by Buffy and her friends, are fiction. So is Noah's Flood.
I'm omnipotent, and even I can't figure out your logic.
And Osiris, I'm going to have to institute a new commandment on being too funny. I just sprayed Coke out my nose and all over my keyboard.
Also, good job, John. Thou shalt read Wikipedia, and gain thine knowledge through the use of the 'random page' button. Thou shalt read each day's featured article, and learn new things.
It's not that Noah's flood is impossible (though I defy anyone to come up with a plausible source for all the water). It's just that the simple fact that the top couple of strata in the geological column do not consist of a worldwide blanket of silt and jumbled, barely fossilized dead things indicates that it didn't happen.
"we have conclusively dicided that vampires may exist, therefor noahs flood had the possibility of occurring."
Who's "we"? You and the 15 voices in your head?
Other than the fact that they're both myths, just what the fuck do vampires have to do the the global flood?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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