Let me take a stab at this... ::cracks knuckles::
Amen Carico...there is no reasoning with people who refuse to accept His Truth. I've seen many angry atheists in my time..most of them have admitted to experimentation with perversions like drug abuse homosexuality witchcraft and trying to dye their skin..
Reality <--->Bible... I'm going to go with reality, and observable scientific evidence, thank you. I once experimented with Christianity, and... well, I'm glad I grew out of it. Weed, uh, dude, that's not a drug. Homosexuality... no, not a perversion, either. Oh, and what's this? Witchcraft? Hey, bud, I *am* a witch, and the 'craft is *not* a perversion of any kind.
As for "trying to dye their skin"... Does anyone know what this means?
You can offer them the Truth and they will deny it, they want to remain willfully ignorant they want to run from Him. Remember...they have made the jump from believing a God-->no god...on top of believing fairy tails and pseudoscientific theories..
You offer us "salvation" based on a book of myths. Worse, that particular book has been used to justify some of the biggest atrocities in history. Inquisition, Crusades -- supported by the book. Slavery. Slaughter of the Natives, here in the Americas. Near-eradication of Native ways. Subjugation and oppression of women. Do I need to go on?
If I wanted to remain ignorant, I'd have stayed in your little death cult.
History has shown the true danger of being absent of God..the nazis were the greatest atheistic threat modern society has ever faced. We saw what darwinism was capable of..but ultimately good will prevail. They can run and deny, but only they wil have to answer to their chosen savior...Satan...
Hitler was a Christian, half-Jewish, to boot!
We run because we've heard your shit before, and are tired of it.