Bro Randy #fundie
[In Response to "What would you do as President?" question]
* Hmm, illegal aliens:
o pass a law to severely punish ($25,000 or more per illegal employee) anyone who hires illegals. Notice, I am not suggesting any punishment here for the illegal - just the ones who entice them with jobs. If we take away the jobs, the illegals will go away too. If the employers know they will pay many thousands of dollars for every illegal in fines, they will hire legal workers.
o Create a guest worker program where it is easy to enter the country to work
o Require anyone on a 'guest worker' visa to check in every week to get paid. Basically, employers would deposit the employee's salary in a bank for the employee. The employee would have to go to the bank and identify himself (thus checking in) to receive his pay.
* Put a 'fair tax' in place and delete the income tax. The fair tax is a tax on consumption - like a sales tax.
* Push for accountability in schools through the use of vouchers.
* Issue a sidearm to every citizen and train the citizens to use them.
* Get back to the constitution
o Remove judges who ignore the law and the constitution (this would eliminate all the 9th circuit judges).
o Establish the definition of the amendments in the Bill of Rights.
o more...
* Establish a 'loss of rights' clause. Basically, if you're in jail for a felony, you have no rights other than basic survival needs.
* Install electric chairs in court rooms used for murder, rape and child abuse trials (you get the idea here).
* Ban all sodomite specific rights.
* Create a 'work-fare' system to replace 'welfare'. A system where people in need are trained to become employable.
* Remove all 'minimum wage' laws.
* Get all religion out of state-sponsored schools (including muslim, humanism, and evolutionism).
* Establish the most powerful, technologically advanced, best-armed, all-volunteer military ever dreamed of.