(Re: Hillary Clinton)
Devils never entered your mind? This bitch is CHOCKER-BLOCK FULL OF THEM!!
Expect more such things to occur. May more & more of these demon-possessed pigs be exposed for what & who they truly are: SERVANTS OF SATAN.
"CHOCKER-BLOCK FULL?" Isn't the term "chock-full" as in "chock-full o' nuts?"
And, no, devils never entered my mind.
It's true. I saw her once and asked her about Jesus Christ. Her head started spinning whilst vomiting blood and pea soup. The sprinkler-vomiting continued for 2 minutes(this is a dead giveaway of demonic posession). I said Jesus Christ repeatedly, just for the lulz. Smoke came out her ears, and some demons shot out. She reverted to her nondemon form, which was a dominatrix. The details from the rest of the night are *ahem* unimportant.
I still have about 10 whip scars on my back from that night, and had blood poisoning requiring dialysis machines for 2 weeks, from where her bloody vomit entered my bloodstream. But it was all soooo worth it! I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I love fundie politics. Just because somebody doesn't agree with their agenda to take over the country, then the world, with fundie self-righteousness and hypocrisy masquerading as Christianity, they are servants of satan.
Horsefeathers said:
Oh how I hope she wins, if for no other reason than to piss you people off. I expect a massive wave of aneurysm cases to pour into hospitals across the country should she actually do it.
I'm not voting for her, but I completely agree! XD
Is calling someone a 'bitch' a Christian thing to do? Where does that show Christian love?
If that's the way Christians behave, then I think the devil and his demons seem a little more civilized. I think Christians need to be exorcised to drive our fundamentalism.
That's it! Eureka! Fundamentalism is really possession by the Demon of Religion.
Well which is it, devils or demons? I need to know if I should bring silver or cold iron weaponry to slay her.
...Bah, useless fundie! *throws both types of weapons into Haversack, catches a bus to D.C.* :P
I'd vote for her in a heat beat, not only because the fundies would go crazy over HER being president!
Anyway, I can't! I'm not a citizen - maybe next time!
Yeah, all the other politicians are also "demon-possessed pigs" and "OMFG SERVANTS OF SATAN!!!!1!!11!" If you don't like it, then die violently while trying to overthrow the government. Golly, you might even get on the national news if you try a stunt like that!
Of course she's full of demons! She's a woman!
And any woman that wants to be in charge of ANYTHING, to a fundie, must be possessed!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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