Is Command and Conquer3 anti christian?
like i was researching thois game and i read up on it and they were gonna call a unit the mammoth. I'm really sick of how atheists are everywhere in EDIT and pushing there stuff on about how god isn't real
mammoths are fake and were made up by darwin to promote atheistism and go against the teaching of god
god is real, mammoths are fake and evolution is fake. darwin was a bigot who hated africans and said that europeans could rule over them. i hate him. this game EDIT
Way to show you did no research what so ever. The word Mammoth means big and the Mammoth "TANK" is a huge tank. If you actually did research you would have realized the main villian is a representation of Cain the first murder and the Brotherhood of Nod represents the land of Nod, the fictional country Cain was banished to. All of these things are very Christian.
This once again reminds me to be thankful that Warhammer is not well known in the mainstreame, because a lot of these Christian idiots would freak out when they see Chaos.
Well, at least concerning to real life religions.
The Brotherhood of Nod is rather religious (sacred green crystal, Kane being a Messiah (didn't he somewhere mention being like Jesus)) and are "evil" - which would certainly have those nutjobs in panic yelling on how this is a tool to turn kids away from god and towards Satan...
And yeah, Warhammer's Chaos would so set them on fire *lol*
Or for that matter, the World of Darkness... but then, I kinda have the feeling they think they live in it *rolleyes*
ABeastOfPrey , that gif is made of pure, 100% unadulterated win. You have made my day.
Joe Kucan rocks.
Also, citing Kane and Nod and all of that... I call Poe. Or that HolyMoses! has never played any of the C&C games, and has read nothing about them at all, ever.
This once again reminds me to be thankful that Warhammer is not well known in the mainstreame, because a lot of these Christian idiots would freak out when they see Chaos.
*Prays Pat Robertson never finds out about Warhammer*
Hint to those looking for Poes:
Most Poes can spell.
This one's a genuine specimen of ignorance, and doesn't realize that mammoths finally went extinct only 3500 years ago, although major extinctions followed human migrations at the end of the last ice age. Excellently preserved specimens have been found in recent times preserved in ice.
Mammoths aren't extraordinarily large by modern elephantine standards. Most of them are merely Jumbo.
"mammoths are fake and were made up by darwin to promote atheistism and go against the teaching of god."
1 mammoths are real, 2 Darwin didn't make up mammoths, 3 Darwin wasn't an athiest, 4 mammoths don't go against the teaching of god.
Man, you couldn't have picked a worse evolutionary example to attack as fake than the wooly mammoth - we don't just have fossilised bones, we have tissues and hair as well - more varied evidence than an awful lot of other species.
You people are BLIND! Don't you know that's why Darwin went to the Galapagos Islands? He went there to be away from prying eyes while he made a huge number of bogus mammoth remains to scatter all over the place and fool rubes like you into believing his ridiculous so-called theory. That's why he needed a COLOSSAL ship like the Beagle.
Finches and iguanas my ass!
Damn Darwin, I really really hate that guy!
I play Command & Conquer 3 and there's nothing anti-Christian in it.
And I'm Christian.
Heck, I'm actually a pretty big fan of Kane.
Mammoths are fake, eh?
"darwin was a bigot who hated africans and said that europeans could rule over them."
By the way, Darwin was an abolitionist.
Oh REALLY? mammoths don't exist??
... What do you call these, then? Inuits with elephantiasis(and really bad teeth)?
Sorry, your argument= dead before it even began.
EDIT: I dun been scoop'd! How embarrassing!
Let's see C&C is a game between the GDI, a global government organisation that is said to be humanisitic and had as it's theme tune 'New World Order'. The other side is NOD, a creepy mytic cult, the leader of which has a messiah complex. On top of which there are aliens and other occult shit. With all this going on you get your panties in a big twist over the name of one of the vehicles?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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