"Does a good and just judge let guilty murderers go?"
If the defendant has a good enough lawyer, and of course taking into account 'Reasonable Doubt', then...!
PROTIP: OJ Simpson. Johnnie Cochran.
There. I've just annihilated your argument.
Four words: 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment'.
Just ask the Birmingham Six.
There's a good reason why the death penalty was scrapped here in the UK in the early 1960s. Even Leslie Grantham (a.k.a. 'Dirty Den' in the BBC soap opera "EastEnders") committed murder, was sentenced & jailed for such, yet he became an actor later. Two words: Rehabilitation. Repentance.
Now you see how the concept of your 'Hell' and it's torturer - God - fails eternally? No crime can possibly justify eternal torture.
"Jesus, who knew no sin, took your punishment by dying on the cross. He shed His blood, and suffered a horrible death in your place, by taking your sins upon Himself. He was wounded for your trasngressions, He was bruised for your iniquities. In other words, you did the crime, He paid the fine."
Prove that this 'Jesus' actually existed in the first place; nope, not seeing the physical evidence for such, unlike, say, Ramses II: the temples, structures, writings etc. And an actual corpse does no harm, neither, proof-wise.
I guess you still don't get it all. I'll say it again s l o w e r:
If - after his 'sacrifice' - he then came back to life, then the whole exercise is rendered completely pointless.
And isn't plagiarising earlier, similar mythologies worse than sin? Because 'Jesus' is merely a ripoff of ancient Persia's Mithras.
Therefore Mithras died for your even more mythological 'Jesus'. Ergo, your 'beliefs', the doctrines such are based on, and your argument is destroyed II. Q.E. and D., bitch.