but do check out Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, peppered moths, whale evolution & horse evolution for just some of the longstanding frauds perpetrated to detroy faith in God's Word & make folk gullible to men's lies
It is most sinister indeed that the evo-loopy establishment ruthlessly censor all criticism of neo-Darwinism & all debate @ the overwhelming evidence for Inelligent Design
The Peppered Moth story isn't a fake, by the way...
"In reality, the Story of the Peppered Moth is neither "faked" nor "incorrect."
So, which part of the story needs revision?
? Previously, we considered changes in the colors of the moths as an example of natural selection in which the sole factor had been shown to be predation by birds.
? Today, we should consider changes in the colors of the moths as an example of natural selection in which one factor is predation by birds.
If only these fundies could use google..
1. Of those, only Piltdown Man and Nebraska Man were frauds.
2. They were discovered to be frauds by scientists, not creationists, and scientists no longer use them.
3. There is no overwhelming evidence for intelligent design, in fact, there is none at all.
4. However, there is plenty more faked evidence for intelligent design than there ever was for evolution, mostly because we have REAL evidence.
I love how frauds long ago discovered and exposed for what they are, disprove evolution, but Dr. Dino (Hovind) and his ongoing fraud, has nothing to do with the legitimacy of creationism.
++++However, there is plenty more faked evidence for intelligent design than there ever was for evolution, mostly because we have REAL evidence.++++
What good is real evidence when Photoshop gives you such a feeling of satisfaction? :-)
Small point, Darth; 'Nebraska Man' wasn't a fraud. It was just a common or garden mistake, rapidly rectified.
Anyway, what on earth does Mr. Versatile think is fraudulent re horses and whales?
Tiny, it's the typical hand-waving that references the Hovind-like criticism of scientific discovery.
This doofus heard someone say that the "evil scientific community" can't prove the evolutionary paths of these animals, therefore Satan is in control! HAW HAW!
Let's see, that's two examples of fraud that science no longer accepts and three examples of your blindly ignoring the truth because you want to.
Do check out the notions that snakes talk, that 2 to 7 members of every animal species can fit onto one boat, that woman was both created at the same time as man AND created after man out of one of his ribs, that the sun once stopped, that humans used to live to be 800-plus years old, that a virgin gave birth, that a man once rose from the dead, et cetera.
It is most sinister indeed to surmise that any loving, all-knowing god would give me a brain and then test my faith in him/er by requiring me not to use it.
"overwhelming evidence for Inelligent [not my typo...] Design", eh?
please, do cite your sources.
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