Martin Rizley #fundie
[On possible revision of Indiana's 'Religious Freedom' bill]
If Governor Pence signs this 'amended' bill, he will join the ranks of history's notorious traitors-- among them, Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot. I give him no slack in this matter whatsoever. I cannot believe that he is so stupid as NOT to know the consequences of putting language in the bill that would deprive Christian business owners of all standing in court if they "deny services" to homosexuals. For let's face it-- when a Christian wedding provider refuses to provide services for a so-called gay wedding, he is "denying services" to that homosexual, the same way that a Jewish baker would deny services to a neo-Nazi client if he were asked was asked to bake a cake for a neo-Nazi meeting in celebration of the legacy of Adolph Hitler, and refused to do so. That is discrimination on the part of that baker, but it is righteous discrimination, an act of 'discriminatory' moral judgment against the immorality of a certain event/ceremony/rally that the baker cannot in good conscience support; it is not an act of unrighteous discrimination against persons, as such, based on their innate inborn, God-given identity (as is the case with racial discrimination).
Mike Pence knows what the gay gestapo wants and he is apparently willing to give them the very language in this bill which he knows they will use to skewer Christians-- so if he signs this bill with such language included, that will make him an accomplice to a truly demonic agenda which aims to penalize the sons of God for honoring God's moral law in the way they run their business. He cannot claim, "That's not what I intend by signing this bill." If that is the consequence of signing it, it makes no difference what he 'intends,' and if that is his justification for signing it, he is either stupid, hypocritical, or just plain cowardly-- and all of these qualities-- stupidity, hypocrisy, and cowardice-- would equally disqualify him from public office. So I do not give him any slack whatsoever. Since I do not believe he is stupid, he must be either hypocritical or cowardly if he gratifies the gay gestapo by giving them what he knows they want to go on the attack against principled Christian business owners.
Such an act of compliance with freedom-hating militants would be unspeakably contemptible; it would strip him of any pretense of being a conservative. It would expose him as, at heart, a rank progressivist liberal who believes that morals are 'evolving' and that non-evolved people who believe in sexual morality should be pushed to the margins of society and denied the right to own or run a business. It would show that in his heart, he truly despises the principle of religious liberty, as our forefathers intended it to be lived out in a civil society, and that he favors fascism-- homofascism, in particular. It would place him in the category of a nefarious traitor to his own constituents and to the cause of righteousness, justice, and religious freedom. Let us pray that God convicts him of the sinfulness of such a traitorous act, and stop him from backtracking on the proud and principled defense of religious liberty in Indiana.