Ken Ham, an Australian who is Answers in Genesis' $120,000-a-year founder and president, says the museum opening will be a significant event in Christendom.
"No one else has ever built a place where you can experience biblical history and merge it with the science," he said.
When the Gallup Poll asked people about their views on the subject last March, 47 percent of Americans polled said that God created humans pretty much in their present form some time in the last 10,000 years. That belief was strongest among those with less education, regular churchgoers, people 65 and older, and Republicans.
There also will be an exhibit suggesting that belief in evolution is the root of most of modern society's evils. It shows models of children leaving a church where the minister believes in evolution. Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites.
the museum opening will be a significant event in Christendom.
And a massive embarrassment for the state of Kentucky. It certainly embarrasses me to have that much idiocy centered only 76 miles away from where I live, and to think that this is something people are going to associate with the state as a whole.
No one else has ever built a place where you can experience biblical history and merge it with the science
And we're still waiting for that to happen. You're combining the fantasy of your religion with pseudoscience and wishful thinking, and that's all.
There also will be an exhibit suggesting that belief in evolution is the root of most of modern society's evils.
Gosh, what a surprise. Damn those pernicious scientists for pointing out that living beings adapt over time to suit their environments. The existance of a natural, provable phenomenon is destroying people's beliefs in fairies and demons and holy zombies and it must be stopped!
No one else has ever built a place where you can experience biblical history and merge it with the science
Yeah. And there is a reason for that. IT CAN'T BE!
There also will be an exhibit suggesting that belief in evolution is the root of most of modern society's evils. It shows models of children leaving a church where the minister believes in evolution. Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites.
A whole wax museum of strawmen. Delightful.
"That belief was strongest among those with less education, regular churchgoers, people 65 and older, and Republicans."
This tells us what about the credibility of creationism?
Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites.
So teenagers had no interest in sex until Darwin's books were published? There must be thousands of examples in history of people blaming stuff for causing the "evils" of their time.
How many of the people in the Gallup poll actually had a working knowledge of the ToE?
Creation merging with "science" or with SLANDER?, they start by a liquid s but are not the same. And by the way, who are the ones who commit more adultery, have more pregnancies out of wedlock and STD and are regulars in pornography?, who divorce more?, you hit the jackpot, the Biblical Creationist Belt.
When the Gallup Poll asked people about their views on the subject last March, 47 percent of Americans polled said that God created humans pretty much in their present form some time in the last 10,000 years. That belief was strongest among those with less education, regular churchgoers, people 65 and older, and Republicans.
So they're fucking morons. Tell us something we didn't know.
Ken Ham is a con artist in the same vein as Kent Hovind. These people know that the way to thoroughly brainwash individuals, you need to get them while they're young. What better way than with a museum of bullshit?
Hovind's Dino Land was exactly the same.
I wouldn't worry about science educators having to untangle this mess. There probably aren't any in Kentucky.
Say, do you guys need an actor to play the boy surfing porn? How much do you pay to do that all day? I mean, I'd do it for the education of the children, naturally, but since my soul would be at risk, I should be getting danger money!
Normally, I would say this is just another way televangelists steal money from the gullible, but I have heard Ken Hamm speak, and he really believes his own delusion. He says man is falible when it comes to scientific research but yet the Bible and Christians' interpretation of it is not.
Completely asinine.
This sounds like the museum in Morel Oral called "Believe it, or Else".
Includes valuable relics such as the Holy Grain, a porthole from Noah's ark, and the skeleton of baby Jesus. Believe it, or else.
This sounds like the museum in Morel Oral called "Believe it, or Else".
Includes valuable relics such as the Holy Grail, a porthole from Noah's ark, and the skeleton of baby Jesus. Believe it, or else.
In 1994 Professor Ian Plimer blew Ken Ham, Carl Wieland, Duane Gish and several others out of the water in a documented book called "Telling Lies for God". (ISBN 0 09 182852 X) This book also exposed some rather curious financial arrangements in the Creation Science Foundation in Australia during the 1980s, see pages 149 to about 159.
While Mr Ham may not have had anything official to do with the Australian CSF he was certainly a "moral" supporter.
I wonder why his creation museum is in Kentucky, not Tokyo, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Sydney or London, or New York, for that matter. Those places are full of pagan or atheistic evolutionists who need converting.
Guys, stop referring to this place as a church- if they cotton on they might get TAX EXEMPT STATUS!
Also I am disgusted by the amount of money being pured into this prpaganda for th most powerful religious libby outside of Iran. This is pure strengthening of the Republican/Creationist base. In the words of Monty Python "It make me mad".
I am also increibly angered by the Australian 'Intelligent Design' movement, supported by our Prime goddam Minister, and opposition leader 'Saint' Kevin Rudd. I go to a Christian school, and we get the worst kind of crap here. To whit "Scientists say that you have no soul- only a brain. We know this couldn't be true..."
Utter BS.
This is not a muzeum, this is a fucking brainwashing building.
That being said, I'll probably visit the Creation muzeum, just out of curiosity, and to piss on the exhibitions.
"Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites."
That happened on a regular basis at my Catholic high school where creation was taught. Except we had no internet then, so it was porn magazines.
"No one else has ever built a place where you can experience biblical history and merge it with the science,"
And no one ever will, imbecile.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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