“A nuclear reactor, on the other hand, has "female" characteristics:”
Never found them interesting in a sexual way…
“it provides a long continuous release of energy, like the female orgasm”
Yeah, but if you follow the same procedure every single time you get nuclear power. Orgasms don’t usually work that way.
“Instead of killing by penetration (like a bullet) or by explosion, the reactor in a meltdown kills by radiation poisoning.”
That’s penetration, doofus. Radiation hits like little tiny shotgun pellets or laser beams, depending on the type.
“Poison is the traditional weapon of the female”
THAT sort of poison is ingested.
Radiation poison you just stand near.
“Note the double standard: male weapons that kill by penetration or explosion are deemed acceptable in war;”
Weapons that you can target specifically as opposed to being a threat to the next five generations, yes.
“female weapons that kill by poisoning, such as germ or chemical warfare, are considered abhorrent.”
Because they affect the entire area code and affect combatants, non-combatants, animals, plants, for years…
It’s not a double standard, it’s two completely different offensive effects.