Except a woman wearing a bikini willmake 97 percent of all men around her lust. If it's obvious they're going to lust, shouldn't wear it.
Fortunately, even if this hypothetical woman was so gorgeous that all men would lust after her, most men have the capacity to control their urges. Don't spoil the fun for the rest of us just because you can't control yourself.
Oh of course, since you think men can't control their urges, it's the woman's responsibility to keep him from lusting. It's not the man's responsibility to control his urges.
Well, I have come to the conclusion that you're a sexist asshat.
Your loss, I'm fine with enjoying all aspects of the female beauty. Plus, I’m not sure where you got the authority to decide what everyone else
of wait, yeah, you’re a fundie.
If you can't control yourself, you should be locked up, regardless of what other people are doing.
You're right. If it's going to make them lust, they shouldn't wear it. They would look silly in a bikini anyway.
Women, however, can and should do whatever they want. And maybe if some of you men are so weak and unable to control yourselves, you shouldn't be allowed to be in charge of anything any more.
Me wearing a bikini will make people laugh, not lust, stupid.
If someone is lusting because I wear a bikini, then that is the lusting person's problem, not mine.
If men are so easily lusting, shouldn't they be wearing blindfolds all the time?
There's a HUGE difference between a man looking at a woman and appreciating her innate beauty and a man looking at a woman and lusting after her. There is a huge difference between a man looking at a woman and desiring her and looking at a woman and lusting after her. And there is just as big a difference between lusting after a woman and forcing her to have sex with him. I can look at a beautiful woman in a bikini, and appreciate her beauty without desiring to have sex with her, or being powerless to control my biology and raping her. When I see an attractive woman, no matter how she's dressed, I think to myself "Wow, God sure had a good day when He made HER". It is only the males (NOT "men" a MAN is in control of his own body) who have no respect for God's creation of women who are led by their penis to posses, and demean a woman by the disgusting act of rape. Even if looking at an attractive woman inspires me to become erect, I STILL have control of my own actions, and my respect for the woman/girl prevents me from taking from her anything she is not wholeheartedly willing to offer.
*YOU* transgress, therefore *YOUR VICTIM* should prevent your transgression. I think that's victim blaming 101.
Fuck you.
And fuck you too, "Quantum Mechanic" in his parents' basement. Royally.
Except a woman wearing a bikini willmake 97 percent of all men around her lust. If it's obvious they're going to lust, should wear it.
Fixed. I think this fundie might be gay, except the fact that fundies and gays dont tend to go well together.
Note to fundies, real life people have self control, unlike people in hentai.
Come to think of it... go back to the 2D world, we don't want the likes of you here.
As usual, this year I shall take a day trip to Scarborough .
Visit the souvenir shops, have some fish & chips, a pint or three in a pub, then go to the arcades on the seafront. Perhaps a walk on the beach.
Should I see a woman in a bikini pass by, I'll think 'She looks nice', then continue on my way. Ultimately to the train station, and back home.
With my spotless criminal record (with not even a blemish; for so much as spitting on the pavement), ans social standing intact.
PROTIP: It's called Self Control. I think you'll find that it's 97% of men who possess that in their psychological makeup.
You must be part of the 3% then, SyphilisOVER9000.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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