Well, I for one can prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that G-d exists...
First though, you can't question or discount someone's belief anymore than they can set it before you as concrete fact.
When I was growing up, I went to religious school at my synagogue every Sunday. One week the Rabbi took questions from the students. It just so happened that there was a thunderstorm outside that day at that moment.
Eventually he got a question that asked if G-d really existed (these question were all hand written and pre-submitted).
After he had read the question allowed... but before he could answer it, there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a loud rumble of thunder. Let's put it this way... after that he did not bother answering the question.
Well, I for one can prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists...
First though, you can't question or discount someone's belief anymore than they can set it before you as concrete fact.
When I was growing up, I went to religious school at my Italian bistro every Sunday. One week the cook took questions from the students. It just so happened that there was a thunderstorm outside that day at that moment.
Eventually he got a question that asked if the Flying Spaghetti Monster really existed (these question were all hand written and pre-submitted).
After he had read the question allowed... but before he could answer it, there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a loud rumble of thunder, and the tomato sauce spilled *on its own*. Let's put it this way... after that he did not bother answering the question.
You take that as proof that the Abrahamic god exists? Perhaps it was one of the other gods trying to tell you that you're worshipping the wrong one.
For an omnipotent entity, God is a really lousy communicator.
Ok, I still want to know who this G_d person is. I keep seeing his initials.
After he had read the question allowed... but before he could answer it, there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a loud rumble of thunder. Let's put it this way... after that he did not bother answering the question.
So Thor was practicing throwing Mjolnir. No reason to be scared.j
So lightening storm = gawd. Riiight.
If your true to your gawd, you should stop worshipping Jedi Masters, blasphemer!
First though, you can't question or discount someone's belief anymore than they can set it before you as concrete fact.
Since many religious people do state their beliefs in (a) god(s) as concrete fact, we can very well question and discount their beliefs for the very rhing they are: a delusion.
Anacdotal accounts hardly stand up to the criteria of proof, let alone "beyond a reasonable doubt".
Try again.
"First though, you can't question or discount someone's belief anymore than they can set it before you as concrete fact."
Oh really?
"but before he could answer it, there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a loud rumble of thunder"
OMG, God sent a thunderclap down to prove his existence to a bunch of hicks? Wouldn't his face on a hot dog bun have sufficed?
I went to a graduation during a thunderstorm. At the moment that one particular graduate's name was called, an enormous thunderclsp sounded.
I don't know what other proof you would need to show that Payton Smith is God.
Ah, Jewish fundies. Variety is the spice of life and all that.
That said... one lightning strike does not a deity make.
At the time of my deconversion, I was attending a "word of faith" church. When I went up for prayer, the deacon said, "God says to tell you that the answers that you're getting are from Him."
There. God doesn't exist. He told me so Himself.
It makes every bit as much sense as your proof that He does.
Eventually he got a question that asked if G-d really existed (these question were all hand written and pre-submitted).
After he had read the question allowed... but before he could answer it, there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a loud rumble of thunder. Let's put it this way... after that he did not bother answering the question.
Coincidence. I remember very, very clearly this one time in elementary school. We were sitting in this classroom with windows near the ceiling and it was overcast, and we were singing this song that would go, in English, something like...
Little Petter spider,
climbed on my hat
then came the rain
and Petter fell
Then came the sun... and so on
Guess what? Just as we sung "then came the sun"... the sun broke through the clouds and bathed our classroom in sunlight.
Coincidences can be cool, creepy, funny or "theistic". They are, especially in conjunction with confirmation bias, used to back up all kinds of woo and religions. But they prove nothing.
I read about a few fellas who were out fishing one day in a little rowboat and one of them, a lawyer, stood up at one point in the conversation and said "If there is a god may he strike me dead" and right then lightning killed his ass. Now, if that were true, and I could see it happen, something like that might make me a believer. I say "something like that" - just one lawyer? Pffft! Considering how many lawyers have NOT been struck by lightning seems like more evidence for the devil.
Well, I for one can prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that G-d exists...
Eventually he [the rabbi] got a question that asked if G-d really existed...before he could answer it, there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a loud rumble of thunder.
I still have doubts.
You have failed.
If it had been a clear, calm day, with a perfect cerulean sky, and the kid had asked that perfectly reasonable question, and then, before the Rabbi could answer, a bolt of lightning without an 'e' had hit the school, then it might have been an anecdote worth the telling.
Even then, it would have been no excuse for not answering the fucking question. To which, mind you, the Rabbi could not have given an intelligible answer, except: "Of course there is, boy, because I say so."
"Well, I for one can prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that G-d exists..."
And you are going to post this prove...When?
Thor or Zeus or Thunderbird.
G-d, since it doesn't qualify for a real name, can not be reasonably expected to provide an answer to anything.
Is that the best you can do?
And the Rabbi only took questions this one week?
The real reason he did not answer this question was because the envelope did not contain the customary $20 bill.
This was this one time I had just gotten home from work after driving through a terrible thundershower. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was have a beer and veg out watching Judge Judy. Well I opened the fridge and to my dismay SOMEBODY had taken the last beer and left the empty case in the fridge. As my roommate was out at the time I naturally yelled at the first living thing I saw: the cat.
"Who took my beer was it you kitty!?" (she usually meows when I ask her a question). At the very moment she opened her mouth there was a blinding flash of light and the sound of many thunders. It was at that very moment I realized that my cat was an incarnation of God.
Amusing at best.
There are people starving in this world who believe in him, and God is providing light shows to skeptics.
God is much like Microsoft, crappy tech support but lots of advertising.
First though, you can't question or discount someone's belief anymore than they can set it before you as concrete fact.
Yes. Yes I can. You have a right to your beliefs, that doesn't give them any validity.
Correlation does not equal causation.
Oh, and we have every right to discount your belief if you can't provide any evidence for it.
lightening? a baby lowered its position it its mother's belly with a flash and rumble? that's proof of rosemary's baby on the way.
oh, you meant lightning, no /e/. ok, we've gotta repeat the test and get the same result again.
is there a god?
he had read the question allowed
OK, so it was allowed, there was permission for it, but did he read it aloud, so you could hear him?
“Well, I for one can prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that G-d exists...”
COOL! Been looking for that for 50 years.
“First though, you can't question or discount someone's belief anymore than they can set it before you as concrete fact.”
You just said beyond a reasonable doubt, now you backpedal.
“When I was growing up, I went to religious school at my synagogue every Sunday. One week the Rabbi took questions from the students. It just so happened that there was a thunderstorm outside that day at that moment.
Eventually he got a question that asked if G-d really existed (these question were all hand written and pre-submitted).
After he had read the question allowed... but before he could answer it, there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a loud rumble of thunder. Let's put it this way... after that he did not bother answering the question.”
So, you were overimpressed by a coincidence of timing.
I mean, not even a lightning bolt ouf of a clear blue sky.
What a disappointing bullshit proof.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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