Yeah, that's called a Pentacostal church. If that's a cult, I'd much rather be a part of the cult than live my life in any other way. I would strongly urge you to stop referring to my church as a cult, or I will be seeking some form of prosecution. K?
And what do you think the attorney is going to say?, ok, let´s debunk the first amendment. You´re a little too contemptous about your status, baby.
"Yeah, that's called a Pentacostal church. If that's a cult, I'd much rather be a part of the cult than live my life in any other way."
Most members of cults feel that same way, that's why cults survive.
"I would strongly urge you to stop referring to my church as a cult, or I will be seeking some form of prosecution. K?"
It's OK by me. You just try to prosecute anyone for calling your cult a cult. See how far you get with that.
You piece of sh*t, that is not how your Bible commands you to handle persecution. Jesus healed the severed ear of one his arresters, and did NOT threaten to sue or use divine retribution. And your church is CULT CULT CULT CULT CULT CULT CULT! What are you going to about it, bitch?
Your "church" is a cult. In fact, it's a Satan-worshiping cult that kidnaps virgins an offers them to the god Moloch who your "church elders" teach lives in a crater on the moon and has a dog named Steve the Wonderpooch.
Sue me, wanker.
I would strongly urge you to stop referring to my church as a cult, or I will be seeking some form of prosecution.
Why? If the shoe fits...
Cult: 1. A system or community of religious worship and ritual, especially one focusing upon a single deity or spirit. 2.a. Obsessive devotion or veneration for a person, principle, or ideal. [French culte , from Latin cultus , cultivation, a laboring, worship, from the past participle of colere , to cultivate.]
--from "The American Hertiage Dictionary of the English Language"
If 50 million people believe a stupid lie, it is still a stupid lie!
If 50 million people join a stupid cult, it is still a stupid cult.
And seriously, this quote would be better coming from Jarad Scientologist!
I would strongly urge you to stop referring to my church as a cult, or I will be seeking some form of prosecution.
In fact, it's a Satan-worshiping cult that kidnaps virgins an offers them to the god Moloch who your "church elders" teach lives in a crater on the moon and has a dog named Steve the Wonderpooch.
Your information on Moloch is inaccurate. His evil schemes were repeatedly thwarted by the Minutemen, and later by Dr. Manhatten. His final years were particularly sad. He tried to go legit as an honest businessman, but developed a particularly nasty case of cancer. Ultimately, he was murdered by a gunshot wound to the head for which Rorschach was framed.
It's very important that we maintain the integrity of the most holy of holy scriptures given to us by the prophet Grant Morrison.
Wow, anyone for Empty Threat of the Decade award? Seriously, how exactly does this guy, posting under an assumed name, intend to prosecute another guy, posting under an assumed name, for calling his religion a "cult?" And where would you find a lawyer willing to devote time and effort to attempting to prosecute protected speech against an unknown, anonymous defendant?
On one hand, he's free to call it a cult all he wants. And you'd get laughed out of court to try and prosecute it. On the other hand, it's not unreasonable for him to get his hackles up when someone decries his faith as a cult. Even if he's playing into the other guys hand flawlessly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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